Matt - Concussion

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i was trying to find a picture of matt for this chap for like 2 hours but i got sucked into scrolling on tiktok so thats my bad lmao

anYWay, heres another chappy for you guys! its about Matthew getting concussed :D (also idk much about lacrosse, i play bball, soccer and golf so dont come for me if this shits wrong)

I hope you guys enjoy this one!

TW: Blood (idk, maybe possibly) vomit


They were playing in a lacrosse game, like they always do. Yea, they got hurt every now and again, but never to where they were out for a while.

It was bound to happen eventually..

Matt was in the goal, the score was 2-0. Chris just got their teams second goal and the other teams coach was pissed, as were the players. So obviously they took it out on the goalie.

Matt was out of the goal, running to get the ball one of the players had shot over the goal. Suddenly, Matt was being hit from three sides and somehow in the tussle of them hitting him, his helmet flew off.

Why the referee didn't call anything, Matt would never know, but he really wish the ref had his glasses on.

Before he knew it, he was being knocked off his feet by someone tackling him, their helmet hitting his head. He was laying in a heap on the ground, multiple of the other teams players hitting him with their sticks as he protected the ball.

Someone stepped on his head. With their fucking cleat. 

Matt shouted out in pain, his head already hurting from someone hitting it with their helmet. The referee finally blew the whistle, breaking the teams apart. 

Matt laid unmoving on the ground, arms protectively covering his head. Chris didn't think much of it until Matt didn't get up.

Chris ran over to him as fast as he could. "Matt? Are you okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

Matt groaned in response, still not getting up. Chris waived their coach over to them, hoping Matt would just get up and shake it off like nothing ever happened, but that of course didn't happen.

"Matthew? Get up, kid. Are you alright?" Their coach asked "Do I need to get the trainer?"

Matt slightly nodded, and that's when Chris saw the blood seeping from his head. 

"Holy shit, coach! He's bleeding, Matt's bleeding from his head-" 

Sure enough, there was blood dripping down Matt's neck. Most likely from the cleat..

Their coach urgently waived the trainer over and she got their as soon as she could.

"He's bleeding, I don't know why or how, but his head is bleeding.. I don't know what happened-" Coach started before the trainer worriedly looked over Matt.

"Matt? Can you hear me, bud?" She asked, rubbing his back a little bit.

Matt groaned in response, and she took it as a yes. "Coach, can you get the stretcher off the buggy for me, please?"

She gently rolled Matt onto his back, and he groaned at the sudden movement, tears leaking from his eyes. By this time, Nick was already sprinting out onto the field to be with his brother. It was like the entire game was frozen in the exact second that Matt got hurt.

"What the fuck happened? Holy shit, is he gonna be okay?" Nick asked, his throat tight with worry.

"I don't know what happened, all I know is some guys ganged up on him outside the goal and knocked his helmet off, and now he's bleeding," Chris replied, staring at the blood that was on the turf.

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