Matt - Annoyed

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hey guys, im finally back holy shit. i know its been a while and im sorry, ive just been so busy with literally life and the whole boy situation and i've just been stressed.  but anyway, im sorry <3

this is from my brain, but its basically based off of their most recent podcast (secret to happiness) whatever its called, where matt keeps getting cut off by nick and chris and it just kinda seemed like they were ganging up on him (in my opinion). not saying that's what they did, that was just from my view point. i hope yall enjoy!!!

TW: arguing


They were filming their podcast, as they normally do. Matt was already slightly aggravated just by the fact that he had a headache and he was tired. Chris had been getting on his ass all day long about every little thing, so he was sure it wouldn't be any different while they were filming their podcast.

Shockingly, it wasn't. The second words started coming out of Matt's mouth, Chris was on his back about how quiet he was being, how his words weren't making sense, how he was speaking too low, everything that Matt was doing was wrong to Chris. But it wasn't even just Chris, it was also Nick. 

Instead of only Chris getting on his nerves, Nick was also jumping on his back, complaining about every single thing that Matt was doing. Matt was getting tired of it and the podcast was only three minutes in. There was no way he would be able to do this for another hour and fifteen minutes.

It started with Nick getting on Matt about how he couldn't spell Nick's name when he was in third grade, not a big deal, right? Well, it shouldn't have been. But Nick has this talent of pushing and pushing and pushing to get his point across even though he just keeps repeating the same thing over and over again. So even though Matt said that he could spell Nicks name, Nick somehow remembered the fact that Matt couldn't.

Not a big deal though, right? They were just joking, right? Right.

"Matt, what did we do today that already made you annoyed with us, like there is no reason for you to be annoyed," Nick started, sighing as Matt rolled his eyes.

"First of all, Chris has already been burping near me all morning long. There are so many other rooms in the house but for some reason he decides he has to do it right near me. And then I'm sitting there, trying to focus on something on my own phone and Chris comes up with his phone asking about a song-" Matt tried to explain before he was cut off by both Chris and Nick.

"Well, if I don't want to hear a song, I just leave the room," Nick suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah but-" Matt tried again, head snapping towards Chris as Chris began to talk.

"That's not even what happened," Chris interjected, not looking at Matt.

"I was already doing- I was already doing something that had to do- No, cause I was already doing something that had to do with listening to audio and I can't-" Matt calmly explained, trying to get to his point.

"Oh my gosh, he's still talking," Nick sighed, rolling his eyes.

"It's crazy how hypocritical you guys are, too, lemme just say that," Matt started, pointing at Nick. "You're the first to be like 'oh, Matt, you don't talk enough during podcasts' but every time I try to talk, you interrupt me."

"Well that's because you don't talk but when you do it's like elongated versions of complaints that we've heard before. If you're gonna talk at least make it something fun and worth listening to," Nick replied, not stuttering once.

"I mean, I can't really get to that point if you guys don't let me say the bare minimum thing," Matt snapped back, rolling his eyes again as Chris screamed into the microphone. 

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