Matt - Migraine

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hi guys! im back with another chapter BUTS ITS FLUFFY like, only a wee bit of angst but its like, sick angst yk so like, headache angst. ive made a migraine one for both chris and nick so i only felt like it was right to make one for matty b. 

also i watched the new car video tonight and i remember matt was talking about his headache. this one came from my big old brain (and it isnt sad for once!?) so i hope you guys enjoy this one!

TW: Migraine, throwing up, tears, old wet rags 


Matt was tired. They were working on their new car video and he had already had been fighting a war with his raging headache all day long. It was like no matter what medicine he took for it, it just wouldn't go away. It was around nine o'clock when they got in the car and drove to their filming location. 

Chris noticed it first. With Matt's low energy since they pressed record, he could tell something was up but he wasn't quite sure what it was. Matt had spent almost all day in his room, but Nick and Chris just thought he was having a bad day. In other words, they had no idea he had a pretty bad headache.

Matt was getting easily annoyed with every comment his brothers made, critiquing him in many different ways. Whether it be for what he said, or how he said it, they wouldn't shut up and leave him alone. But like I said, Matt was tired and they didn't know he had a headache.

Nick was talking about who knows what when Matt started to yawn. Tapping his mouth with his hand, and squeezing his eyes shut, he yawned, not knowing Chris was judging him as he did it.

"What the fuck, Matt? Why are you fucking yawing like you're Peter Pan or some shit-?" Chris asked, side-eyeing Matt.

"Because bro, I have this bad headache.." Matt replied, trailing off as he rubbed at his tired eyes. All this pre-filming videos shit was really starting to get to him.

"Matt, shut up and just film the video. You'll be fine," Nick said, brushing him off while rolling his eyes.

So Matt did what he was told and shut up, not really talking much for the rest of the video. The lights were hurting his eyes and he really just wanted to go home, but he knew that wasn't an option. He was closing his eyes against the harsh lights every few seconds, keeping his head down for most of the filming. But of course, Chris had to comment on it.

"Kid, sit the fuck up. Why are you slouching? We're trying to film a car video here," Chris critiqued, sighing in annoyance.

"Chris leave me alone, I'm fucking tired.." Matt trailed off, eyes still shut against the light.

"Open your eyes you goof, you can sleep later," Chris replied, smacking him in the back of the head.

The rest of the video crawled by, Matt wishing every second that his head would stop hurting. Before he knew it, it was time to pack up shop and go home. Thank goodness.

Matt started the car again, ignoring the flashing lights in his eyes from his headache as he turned out all the lights and put the car in drive. He took a deep breath, ready to tackle the twenty minute drive home. Well, at least he thought he was ready to tackle it. 

Turns out, looking into bright headlights with a migraine was most definitely not a good mixture. Matt groaned as he drove down the two lane road, some jackass riding with their brights on right behind him as the cars facing him also somehow had their brights on.

Chris didn't really notice the lights until he heard Matt sigh. The other two triplets hadn't been paying full attention to their driver because he normally did fine on the drives home from the car video filming location. This time, not so much.

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