Matt - Argument

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Hey guys! I hope y'all have been enjoying my recent chapters! Thank you all for the amazing support and love i have received, you guys are literally the nicest people on the planet <333

This isn't a request but it came from my own brain. I promise the next chapter I put out will be another request. Basically, Matt and Chris get into an argument and Nick has to be the peacemaker. (NO ONE DIES! :D)

Anyways, i hope yall enjoy this one!

TW: Yelling, crying


It was stupid, really. Matt was tired, Chris was hungry, and Nick was just an innocent bystander. They had just finished filming one of their podcast episodes and it was late at night. They really didn't need to get in an argument over who ate Matt's leftovers, and it really shouldn't have escalated so much. But again, Matt was tired. Once the argument started, it was like everything was unloaded throughout the screaming match.

Matt got up from the couch, slowly making his way over to the fridge, excited to eat his leftover Chinese food. As he opened the fridge, he couldn't seem to find his styrofoam box that he wrote his name on. It was blatantly obvious that it was his leftover food that he was planning on consuming. 

"Who the fuck ate my fucking leftovers?" Matt asked loudly. Nick and Chris were also both in the living room.

"What leftovers?" Nick called over his shoulder, Chris not even bothering to respond to Matt's question.

"I don't know, maybe the ones that I brought home last night after we went out for dinner? Or did it just get up and walk away on it's own?" Matt said, slamming the fridge shut.

"Matt, calm down. We can order you more Chinese if it's really that big of a deal. I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding," Nick replied calmly, already getting up from the sofa and starting to walk towards the kitchen.

"Oh, it's just a fucking misunderstanding? How? The box fucking said 'Matt' on it so no one would get confused and eat my food! I was the only one who brought leftovers last night so it shouldn't be that confusing anyway!" Matt said, voice raising slightly.

"Matt-" Nick started before being cut off.

"Did you eat my leftovers?" Matt asked, a glare forming on his face.

"What? No, I didn't! You know I don't like the food you ordered last night," Nick replied, defensively. 

"Okay so by process of elimination, if you didn't eat my food and if I didn't eat my food, then that only leaves one person. Chris? Have anything to say for yourself?" Matt said, glaring at Chris as Chris walked into the kitchen.

"How was I supposed to know they were yours?" Chris said, rolling his eyes.

"How- I wrote my fucking name on the box you fucking idiot! It clearly said 'Matt' on the top of the fucking lid! How much clearer could it have been that those were my fucking leftovers?!" Matt yelled, anger clear on his face.

"Bro, chill. It's just food. I was hungry, the fuck was I supposed to do? Make more food? It's not like you were gonna eat it anyway!" Chris shouted back.

Nick stood there, watching them yell back and forth at each other. If they just yelled it out, they would both be tired and drop the subject in a few minutes. It's what they always did.

But why did things seem different this time?

"How did you know I wasn't going to eat it? Why should it have mattered anyway?! It was my fucking food you dumb fuck!" Matt said, face getting red.

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