Chris - Broken Leg

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IM BACK and i swear no one dies this time (not even trevor)! this one is a bit lighter and more on the fluff side but it still has some angst so be ready guys! this is no where near as sad as the past two chaps tho so dw. im not that cruel..  also this is not going to be anywhere near as long as the last one, like damn that was a lot of words

Anyway, this is a request from the marvelous maplebunny56 

"Do you think you could do where Chris is playing lacrosse and breaks his leg but he just tries to shake it off but the next day its 10 times worse??"

Yes! Im sorry for the wait and I hope you like it!

TW: Hospitals, broken bones, a lil bit of blood (no death tho, yay!)


It was a general Tuesday evening. The school the Sturniolo's went to always had their lacrosse games on Tuesdays and Fridays. This Tuesday, it was a home game so they had a lot of their student section filled up.

The game was tough. They were tied 4-4 and there were five minutes left in the game. Poor Matt's shins were bloody and had been wrapped up like three times by now. But he was their main goalie and he was needed in order to win. He was doing a good job, as he had blocked many shots that had come his way.

Chris had gotten two out of the four goals for his team and he was fucking exhausted. His coach kept putting him back in the game probably not even two seconds after subbing him out. Not that Chris didn't love playing but damn he was tired.

Did I forget to mention that they were playing their rival school? Oh yea, that's a pretty important addition to this lovely game. They were down to four minutes now. Four minutes to get a goal or four minutes to stop the other team from scoring again. Hopefully they could get both done in those four minutes.

If anyone had any say in it, it would be the one and only Christopher Sturniolo. He was passed the ball and off he went, running full speed down the field. Breaking ankles left and right, he was so close to the goal. Right as he took the shot, some jackass slammed into the lower half of his body. 

Luckily Chris had made the shot and everyone started celebrating! Unluckily for Chris, he felt something pop when his leg got landed on and it fucking hurt like a bitch. He tried to get up but his leg failed him. His left leg to be specific. He looked down at it and it didn't look hurt. It just felt hurt. 

Eh, he'd be fine. Chris got up, limping slightly, but shook it off. He celebrated with his teammates for a minute but he needed to focus. They still had two minutes in the game. A lot could happen in two minutes.

And he was right. A lot did happen in two minutes. Turns out that if you get a goal right before the game ends, your rival team isn't very happy. Shocking, right? 

It was basically all hands on deck for the defense, everyone running back to protect the goal. Chris had a slight limp as he ran but he shook it off again, knowing that if he relaxed the other team would get another goal. 

They took around 5 shots on the goal. Five shots.

Luckily, Matty B was in the goal and didn't let one shot get past him. It looked like one almost got in the goal, but Chris was right there, and he jumped in to get the ball. As he did it, his left leg was once again hit by the other team and he could've swore his whole leg fucking shifted. If he thought the first hit hurt, damn this one hurt one billion times worse.

But he saved the goal. And the whistle blew, signaling the end of the game. They did it, they won!

The douchebag that hit Chris's leg the second time shoved Chris as he ran to the sideline, glaring at him.

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