Nick - Stress Sick

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hey guys, welcome to another chapter! lets have a chat rq

i just want to say im so sorry about how long its taking me to get requests out. ive been really struggling with my mental health recently because of some drama thats been going on for a while at school. its def gotten better but i just have good and bad days, and recently i've had a lot more bad days than good. just give me some extra time and i swear ill have your chapters out as soon as possible <33.

honestly if you requested a chapter, just give me about a month and you'll get it, i promise. i know a month seems like a long time, but im a busy person lmaoo. i literally have an entire draft with JUST REQUESTS on it. its literally crazy how much yall love this book.

one other thing: THANK YOU ALL FOR 600 FOLLOWERS!!!! i'm so grateful and appreciative and words cannot explain how much i love you all. if any of you ever need anything or just need to talk, i'm always here for you and i promise you i will never judge <333 

whew, that was a long talk. anyway, this is a request from the dapper lovelydraconevile

"Can you do one where Nick has the fear of p*ke (ik u did one like this) but now both twins are sick and no one is around to help?"

ofc! here's the chapter and im so sorry for the wait!

TW: Vomit (an oddly extreme amount), wet rags, gross sicky shit, etc. (you get the gist)


They were sick. Well, at least Chris was sick. Again. Shocking, I know. They had just gotten back from tour and apparently someone was sick with the flu. Now, normally it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but the person who had the flu managed to hug them, which meant Chris now had the flu.

How were they so sure Chris had the flu? Well, it started with a sore throat which then traveled to a fever.. Which then traveled to severe vomiting. Like, nothing was able to be kept down. And I mean nothing. The only thing that was keeping Chris afloat was ice chips and he was barely able to eat them without turning is stomach inside out.

An important detail? Nick hated vomit. He absolutely hated it. So don't get me wrong, Nick was trying his best to help his younger brother, he just hated being around him when he continued to vomit every two seconds.

So who was helping him, you may ask? Matthew, of course. Every groan, every tear, was wiped away by Matt's warm hands against Chris's tired face. Every panic filled gag was quickly comforted by Matt's strong arms as he held up Chris's exhausted body. Did it ever occur to Nick that Matt might eventually get sick? No. Matt was strong and he could handle some germs, right?

Maybe. But at the same time, Matt couldn't help but look away every time more vomit splattered onto a surface or into the cold toilet bowl. Matt was tired too, but he couldn't ask Nick to help and switch out because he knew how emetophobic Nick was. Full on panic attack emetophobic.

So when Chris tore himself from the couch cushions and ran to Matt's bathroom (again), Matt tiredly sighed and stumbled after him. Nick was up in his bedroom, probably drowning out the sound of vomit with Doja Cat or something.

Chris dropped to his knees in front of Matt's toilet once more, exhausted eyes filling with tears as harsh gags ripped through his tired body. 

"Ma- Matt.." Chris sobbed out, grasping the toilet bowl in pain as he tried to hold up his weary body.

"Shh, I know it hurts Chris. I know, bub," Matt tried to comfort, looking away as Chris threw up stomach acid.

"I just want to sleep-" Chris cried out, laying his burning forehead on the toilet bowl.

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