Matt - Separation Anxiety

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Hi guys! I hope y'all enjoyed that last chapter :D Anyway, im back at it again with another request! This is from  hornswaggled 

'can you do one where they spend a week apart and matt has rly bad separation anxiety and he calls nick crying so nick comes home early for him xx'

Of course! I hope you enjoy this one!

TW: Anxiety/panic attacks


Matt hates being alone. When he's alone he starts overthinking and when he starts overthinking he gets in his head too much and when he gets in his head too much, he has panic attacks. So when Nick and Chris told Matt they were going to a movie premiere in fucking New York City while he was sick, he freaked out a little.

It's not that his brothers weren't allowed to have fun without him, and he knew their marketing team was forcing his brothers to go, but he would rather they stay home with him. He didn't want to be left alone.

Nick and Chris had tried to reassure him and say that it would only be for a few days and they'd be back before he knew it, but Matt was already worried and he knew they'd be gone for a week.

So many things could go wrong. Their plane could crash, they could get kidnapped, they could get killed while they were at the movie. Everything that could possibly go wrong ran through Matt's mind as they waved him goodbye from their front door.

If Matt didn't have the flu he would've gone with them, but there is no way he would've been able to sit on a long flight without vomiting or passing out. Originally they were all supposed to go together, but then Matt got really sick.

So Matt worried and worried as hours passed, still not hearing anything from Nick or Chris. He knew logically that they most likely had horrible service since they were in an airplane, but it didn't stop him from fretting.

He did everything he could think of to distract himself while being sick. He made himself a new soup, which ended up taking a lot out of him because he had to stand up for so long, he put on a movie, he took a bath to warm up his cold bones. He hates being sick..

Before Matt knew it, his eyes were slipping shut against his will. Damn, being sick really takes it out of you, he thought as he fell into a fitful sleep.


He woke up bathed in sweat, breathing hard and quick as he was jolted awake from his nightmare. He checked his phone, relieved to see there was a text from both Nick and Chris waiting for him. It was them checking in and letting him know they were in NYC and their flight was smooth and successful.

Nick had told him before they left that Matt could call either of them at any time, so he decided to call right then and there.

It took three rings before Nick picked up.

"Hey Matt, what's up?" Nick answered.

"Hey Nick, I just wanted to see how you guys were doing. I know you guys landed a little while ago," Matt said, trying to hide his nerves.

"Yea, we're good. We're about to check into the hotel. How are you? Are you feeling alright?" Nick ask, worry lacing through his voice.

"Yea, yea, I'm fine. I made myself some soup and I've been taking my medicine that you set out for me.. Tell Chris I said hi," Matt picked at his nails as he talked to Nick.

"Chris, Matt says hi. Well, say hi back you dumb bitch," Nick scolded. Matt could almost hear Nick slapping Chris's head through the phone.

"Hey big bad b Bernard Matty boy! What's goin' on?" Chris said, most likely rubbing his sore head where Nick slapped him.

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