Nick - Homophobic Fans

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im back? again? damn look at me go, im on a roll. i wanna start putting pictures of the triplets in each of the chapters (if i actually remember to do it, i will) so have this really nice picture of nick :D

anywayyyy im back with anotha one☝️ *insert dj khalid*  this is a request from the kaleidoscopic Kwjij1

"Hey i was wondering if you could do a chapter where nick meets Homophobic fans or sum in ur sturniolo book :))"

ofc! sorry for the wait, i know you requested this like ages ago, but im js now getting to it lmaoo. JUST FOR CLARIFICATION: I AM NOT USING HATE SPEECH OR BEING HOMOPHOBIC. If this makes anyone uncomfortable in any way, I will be taking this down. I don't want to make y'all uncomfortable, and please just know I don't mean anything by writing this chapter. It was requested and I said sure. Sorry for the long intro, if this offends you in any way, I will take it down. Love you guys to the moon and back <33

also this one might be shorter so im gonna go ahead and apologize for that in advance.

TW: Homophobia, meanies


The boys were out and about, shopping, getting food, the usual for the Sturniolo triplets.  They had already run into some of their fans unexpectedly, but they took pictures and hung out with them for a little bit before they went their separate ways. 

They were at the mall, walking around, buying random shit they didn't need, when they saw a group of girls and guys together. Nick didn't really think much about it. I mean, they were at the mall, they saw tons of guys and girls together, why'd it make a difference? 

Well, this particular group of guys and girls started pointing and laughing, giggling amongst each other as the pointed at Nick. Nick didn't realize that he was the one they were pointing at, at first at least. He looked at Chris and Matt, Chris staring at his phone, and Matt starting to shy away from the large group that seemed to be following their every move.

"Matt? Chill, they're just teenagers," Nick whispered, rubbing Matt's arm in a comforting way.

Matt nodded, shoving his shaky hands into his pockets to hide his nerves.

"Why are they laughing, Nick..?" Matt whispered back, side-eyeing the group.

"I don't know, but whatever the reason is, it doesn't matter. They're probably just jealous because they're not as cool as us," Nick reasoned, staring at the group boldly.

"Nick, don't stare, they're gonna start laughing more or some shit," Matt reprimanded, shooting his brother a look.

"So what? They're already looking. And we get looked at all the time, Matty. Why is this so different to you, bud?" Nick asked, making sure his voice was still soft so Matt didn't think he was judging him.

"I don't know, I guess because it seems like they have bad intentions or something, or they're bullying us or making fun of us.. I don't know if just makes me uncomfortable how they're acting," Matt reasoned biting at his nails as they passed another store.

"It's alright, Matt.. Just try to ignore them, okay bub?" Nick said, grabbing hold of Matt's hand and rubbing his thumb against one of Matt's knuckles. 

Matt nodded in response, squeezing Nick's hand back as a thank you. 

"Wait, can we go in there?" Chris said, looking up from his phone and pointing at a new shoe store that seemed to be buzzing with people.

"I mean, I'm fine with it, is that okay with you, Matt?" Nick asked, holding his brothers gaze for a minute.

"Yeah, that's fine.. I'm down to do whatever Chris want's, I've dragged him into stores that I've wanted to go to so," Matt answered, laughing a little.

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