Matt - Tired

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hey guyssss im baaaaaaaaaaaack again! so this one isnt a request but i thought of it last night and wanted to write it. basically this is gonna be one where matt is js rly tired and he snaps at nick and chris and likes breaks down during a car video.

like, chris and nick are picking at him for js random shit (like they do lmao) and matt js gets pissed


i hope yall enjoy!

TW: None :) (matt js crying guys)


The triplets were once again filming a new car video. Shocking, I know. But Matt was tired, like really tired. His anxiety had been off the charts recently and he hadn't been getting much sleep so his energy was low.

Apparently, it was too low for Nick and Chris because it seemed like every five seconds he was getting yelled at for how low he was talking or how he didn't talk enough.

"Matt, fucking speak up, kid! You're fucking muttering over there and expect the fans to be able to hear you!" Nick shouted, annoyance clear on his face.

"All mother fucker says is 'I agree' or 'correct' every two seconds," Chris chided in, laughing.

Matt shook his head, rubbing his tired face, not even responding to his brothers. So the video continued on, Nick and Chris lynching Matt any chance they had. 

"Matt! No one fucking cares about flowers so shut the fuck up!" Nick yelled, slapping Matt's arm as he glared.

"Well, which is it? Do you want me to be louder or do you want me to shut the fuck up?" Matt replied, holding Nick's glare.

"Matt, you're just not interesting! Any fucking time we talk you just add on in your sad depressing tone about how you agree or how you disagree or this or that. Nothing that you say pertains to what Chris and I are talking about! You talk about random fucking things and-" Nick started before Matt interrupted him.

"You just told me to shut the fuck up!? How am I supposed to talk when I get yelled at for every fucking thing I do?" Matt shouted back, rubbing his face again.

"Just stop arguing with me so we can finish recording, dumb bitch," Nick muttered, rolling his eyes before starting on the next topic.

Matt rolled his tired eyes, closing them for a brief moment before Chris slapped him.

"Wake the fuck up, Matt! Gosh, first you're barely talking, next you talk so quiet that babies could fall asleep, and now you're resting your eyes? Be engaged dumbass, we're trying to film here!" Chris scolded, before munching on his Fritos.

"I am trying to be engaged with you idiots conversation, but every time I say something I get fucking screamed at for having an opinion!" Matt replied, glaring at Chris.

"First of all, lose the fucking attitude, smartass. And secondly, no one is yelling at you for having an opinion, what your saying is just stupid," Chris said, loudly chewing.

"Oh my gosh I swear I'm gonna break your fucking teeth if you keep chewing like that," Matt groaned, rubbing at his heavy eyes.

Chris replied by shoving more chips in his mouth and chewing even louder. Matt covered his ears, shrinking away from Chris.

"Chris I'm being so serious I cannot deal with this shit right now. Please just chew with your mouth closed," Matt pleaded, eyes squeezed shut.

Chris continued to chew loudly and before he knew it, Matt was opening his car door and getting out, walking around the parking lot they were in.

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