Matt - Stuck In Elevator

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hey guys, i'm finally back <33

im so sorry for the wait and i really really appreciate everyones patience. this past week has been really difficult for me, ever since this whole boy thing happened. i've been in a slump ever since so its just been hard for me to get on here and start typing away you know. normally writing helps but i just had no motivation to get out of my bed so. anyway, i love you guys and thank you for 680 followers <3 this is a request from the jazzy Jamie_is_c00l

"I was gonna ask if you could do an angsty story about matt"

ofc ml, i'll write it about him getting stuck in an elevator lmao.

TW: panic attacks, crying, stuck in elevator, dark


Matt hated the dark. Matt hated small, confined spaces, so of course he hated elevators. Especially when there were a lot of people in an elevator so did he argue with his brothers when they booked a hotel room on the seventh floor of a hotel..? Well, yes.

The boys walked into the hotel, tired arms lugging their heavy bags behind them. They had just flown six hours to get to the hotel they were staying at on vacation. 

"Hello, gentlemen! How can I help you today?" The nice man at the front asked them, his name was Jeffrey.

"We're here to get our room key? The name is Nicolas Sturniolo," Nick said, tired voice scratching out.

"Ah, yes! Mr. Sturniolo, here is your key! Room number 254, floor seven. We'll be up for room service shortly, please call if you need anything before then!" Jeffrey said, handing Nick two room keys.

"Thank you, I appreciate it," Nick said, starting to walk away from the counter, not realizing that Matt was still standing, almost like a stone statue, near the desk.

"Matt? C'mon, kid. Stop being a buffoon," Chris grumbled, pulling Matt's arm.

"What does he mean floor seven..? Doesn't that mean we have to take the elevator?" Matt said, concern settling on his brow.

"What amazing critical thinking skills, Matt. Yes, of course that means we're taking the elevator, is there a problem with that?" Nick sassed, his brain not fully registering that Matt was terribly afraid of elevators.

"Nick- you know the fucking problem- you know what? Just never mind.." Matt mumbled, shaking his head as he put his airpods back in.

Nick and Chris shared a look, both of them forgetting about Matt's anxiety. The three boys piled into the elevator, Matt holding onto the rail for dear life as he shut his eyes, taking calm and even breaths. Before he knew it, they were  reaching their floor, the elevator doors sliding open with ease as the triplets stepped out and headed to their room.

See? That wasn't so bad.. Just keep it up, Matt.. Matt thought to himself as he shook of his anxiety, treading behind his brothers.

As soon as they unlocked their door and got their bags inside, all of them laid down and almost immediately fell asleep. Matt and Chris shared a bed because Chris didn't like to sleep alone, and Nick got his own bed because he was Nick.

The next morning, they unpacked their luggage, already having plans made for the day. They showered, got dressed, and were going to head downstairs for breakfast for the morning. Matt felt dread settle into his stomach again as they locked their hotel room door and walked down the carpeted hallway, the elevator waiting for their arrival. 

The doors slid open and Matt was relieved to see that no one was waiting on the elevator already. Chris walked through the metal doors, followed quickly by Matt and lastly by Nick. Nick was scrolling on his phone, not really paying attention as Chris hit the button for the main floor. The cool metal doors slid shut once more with a loud thud as the elevator began it's descent to the bottom of the hotel.

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