Chapter Sixty-Two: Not Even Death Could Part Us, My Love.

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Snow fell on Malfoy Manner like a thick blanket but warming charms around the area made it feel cozy even as snowflakes touched flushed cheeks.

Narcissa and Petunia bustled around ordering staff, "Those flowers go there" and "No no no! I told you the Magnolias need to be surrounding the roses as a pop of colour!"

Harry chuckled looking down at them from the window up in the Manor. Although he had little to do with the planning as Draco, Narcissa and Petunia insisted on picking out everything he loved how it was turning out. Just as he pictured Draco's taste would be.

A knock at the door dragged Harry's attention away from the scene below, "Hey, can I come in?" a familiar voice said. It was James.

Over the past months, Lilly and James had kept sound on their promise to be there for him and although what they did to him stung, the wound was healing and he was starting to like their presence in his life.

"Yeah, come in," Harry called out while walking over to the mirror to check his tie.

"Hey pup," James said, Sirius's affectionate nickname echoed in his ears. "Petunia asked me to bring this up for your suit." 

James pulled out a small white and pink rose attached to a clip. 

"Wow, you look great Harry," James mused as he got lost in thought.

"You think so? You think Draco will like it?" Harry asked shyly.

He wanted the day to be perfect, he was dressed in a black suit that when the sun hit it, looked navy and a grey waistcoat that complemented each other perfectly. 

"Like it? Son he will love it, I'm so proud of you." James spoke, his face lit up with a beaming smile that stunned Harry.

"W-what for?" Harry asked quietly.

James's eyes softened as he led Harry to the two seats at the window. "Harry I could never be more proud of you, not only for everything that you have achieved but for how kind you are. You have grown to be an incredibly courageous young man and you have changed Lilly, Evan and I so much for the better. We were lost before you, my love. But most importantly I am proud of you for following your heart. So many people told Lilly and me that we were crazy for getting married young but we knew, we knew that our love was more powerful than they could ever know. And I am so proud of you for finding that powerful love and chasing it, I know you will never let that go and your life will be all the better for it." 

By the end of his speech, both Harry's and James's eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. 

Today was a truly magical day.

"Thank you, Dad," Harry responded quietly, with a smile on his face.

James's eyes went wide and he couldn't hold back the tears any longer, with a sob he pulled Harry in for a hug. 

"I love you, Son," James choked out.

"I love you," Harry replied, leaning into the hug.

After a few minutes of peacefully being in each other's arms, "Oh I almost forgot, there was something else I brought up for you."

Out of his pocket, James pulled a small black box with a dark blue string tied in a bow on top. 

"From Draco," James said as he placed it in Harry's hand. "And this," James said as he pulled an envelope out of his suit pocket.

Harry opened the box carefully, as if tearing into it would make it disappear.

Opening to box he saw a necklace, it was a gold chain connected to a small pendant. The pendant seemed to swirl around, the shades of blue in a dance around the clear surface of the necklace. 

"It is beautiful," Harry mused.

He turned to open the envelope next, inside was a piece of card paper with Draco's elegant writing colouring its white page.

My Harry,

I do not think I could ever be as happy as I am when I think that after today we will get to spend the rest of our life together as a family, as Malfoys. I still can't believe you wanted to take my last name! I also still can't believe I am this lucky. When you said that you read about a gift exchange on the wedding day and you wanted to do it I was stumped. I wanted the present to be perfect just as you are. I thought about it for weeks, it was seemingly my only thought even as I was making potions. You are just so incredible I felt it would be a sham to give you something mediocre. But then I saw this necklace. A beautiful gold chain is attached to a hollow pendant. Confused as to why it was hollow I asked the shopkeeper. She told me that it was a memory pendant so that you can store a favourite memory in it and give it to someone you love. I knew instantly that it was perfect, I filled this pendant quite literally with my love. The first time I ever realised that I was deeply and ardently in love with you. The moment I realised my heart would never beat the same without you. The moment I realised my heart would be forever yours. I want you to always have my love close to you and your heart. You have all my love and now you will forever more.

See you at the alter my angel,

Your Draco.

By the end of reading that Harry was in tears, he couldn't believe how truly lucky he was to have Draco love him so ardently.

"Draco was the same way when he read your note and got your present," James said with a smile. "You are perfect for each other."

Harry looked up at him and smiled. He had gotten Draco a silver bracelet that was intertwined with a gold one, each side representing them. Engraved on the gold strand was Not Even Death Could Part Us, My Love. Harry smiled, happy in the knowledge that Draco had liked his gift.

"Would you like me to put it on you?" James asked, dragging Harry away from his love-stricken thoughts.

"Yes, please," Harry whispered as he carefully took the necklace out of the box and handed it to James.

Knowing its worth to Harry James took extra care as he walked around Harry and placed the necklace around his neck.

Once on, Harry walked over to the mirror, smiling as he touched the blue pendant. Touched Draco's love for him. 

"Petunia, Narcissa and Lilly will be in soon, I'll give you some peace before then," James said with a laugh knowing the boy was simply going to stare at the necklace for a while.

"Thanks," was all Harry could get out as he held the necklace close to him.


A/N I am so excited to finish this for you all! Quick question: Do you want the final chapter to be the wedding (which will be the net chapter regardless) or would you like one more chapter as an epilogue of what the future may hold for the love birds? Sorry this story has taken so long but I am determined to finish it! <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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