Chapter Sixty-One: Here is to Forever

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It was a frosty morning and the sun glistened over the misty waters surrounding the castle. It was a bittersweet moment. Leaving behind all the memories, friendships and normalities of their schooling years.

No matter how tough anyone acted there wasn't a dry eye within the seventh-year class. 

"I'm going to miss you so much!" Pansy cried out as she jumped on Harry and Draco, who has just sadly come out of what had been their room since the beginning.  "We will miss you too Pans, we have to talk still though okay?" Draco replied sadly.

"Of course! We need to always stay in touch, and if I am not invited to your wedding I will come and crash it drunk all right!" Blaise teased.

Harry chuckled, "I wouldn't expect anything less of you mate."

This was a huge day for everyone, as sad as Harry was he was also overwhelmed with nerves.

Today was the day he had decided to propose to Draco, with his parent's permission, of course, that was a... fun conversation.

--------------------------- At Malfoy Manner --------------------------

"I have something I want to ask you," Harry asked quietly.

"Of course, anything, what's wrong?" Lucious asked worriedly.

"No nothing is wrong don't worry!" Harry blurted out not wanting to worry him.

Lucious visibly relaxed but his posture overflowed with reserved curiosity.

"I just... Sorry, I don't know why I am so nervous." Harry muttered.

"It's okay my boy take your time." Lucious supplied helpfully.

Harry took a deep breath, summoned all his courage and looked Lucious directly in the eyes, "Sir, I love your son so much he is my soulmate and I will forever be there for him. The few years I have been with him have been the happiest years of my life and I never want to waste a moment of time with him. I promise to support and care for him for the rest of my life and it is my wish to, with your blessing, of course, ask Draco to marry me so that we can spend the rest of our lives together. I have saved up over the years to buy this." Harry exclaimed. 

He pulled out the beautiful ring and showed Lucious. 

Lucious simply blinked for a moment, blinked again. Then looked at Harry.

"I didn't quite expect it this early and it is incredible that you saved up for this when you haven't even left school yet, but Harry, you're a second son to me and I'd love nothing more than for you to be a part of this family officially. And I know Draco will love it." 

Harry was simply beaming, "Thank you!" 

Harry enveloped Lucious in a huge bear hug, to which the man laughed and hugged the boy back. 

At that point, however, there was someone outside of the door who couldn't quite hold herself together. 

Narcissa burst through the door squealing and jumping around, "Oh just wait until I tell Petunia! Oh, I'm so happy Harry!" She joined the hug excitedly before running off to call Petunia, who had managed to keep this a secret from her for so long.

"Honestly, if you ever wonder where Draco gets his dramatic traits from, it's her!" Lucius laughed.

"That's true for sure!" Harry agreed.


The group of friends all climbed into the small wooden boats that pushed them across the lake all of those years ago. The sun beamed happily onto the beautiful waters the Slytherins' knew all so well. The quiet chatter of memories filled the air as the boats glided along the glistening water. 

All too soon the boats arrived at the other end of the lake and everyone clambered out in a wave of hugs and sobs. 

This was the end of a chapter and as sad as it was for them, they knew this wasn't goodbye. 

Not forever anyway.

Small smiles sat on everyone's faces, eager to see what the future would bring for them all.

"Draco," Harry gently grabbed his hand and pulled him back a little, away from the crowd's chatter.

"I'm going to miss this place I think, as much as I always complained I will miss this place," Draco spoke softly, staring at the grand castle washed with the warm color of the sun setting. 

Harry couldn't help but smile at the person he had fallen in love with, he looked so handsome when he was lost in thought. 

"Draco." Harry tried again.

Draco turned to look at him, a wistful smile still placed on his lips.

"You have made my life complete," Harry continued, "through thick and thin you have always been there for me, showing me that there will always be better and warmer times. These times I have found, are always with you. I love you, Draco, with my whole heart. I love you."

"Aw Har, that's so sweet of you, I love you too," Draco responded, his own smile increasing tenfold.

Harry took a deep breath in.

He bent down on one knee and pulled out the sleek black box.

"Draco, would you make the happiest and the luckiest person alive and do me the honour of becoming my husband?" Harry asked. 

His tone is quiet and full of the warmth of love. He felt as if each breath he had ever taken was to one day be closer to him. It was true, he had slowly become his whole world. He didn't know what he would do if Draco said no, he was trying not to think about it but there was always a little voice in the back of his head whispering that he didn't deserve Draco. In an attempt to silence that voice, he dove into the pools that were Draco's eyes. He felt safe in them, loved.

"Harry." Draco whispered, tears welling in his eyes, "Of course I would!" 

Harry beamed, he thought he would never feel happier than this moment, well maybe the wedding would trump that, but for now, this was pure bliss.

Harry slid the ring onto Draco's wedding finger and smiled at how beautifully it fit him. 

Draco didn't miss a beat and instantly pulled Harry up and into an embrace.

"Here is to forever," Draco whispered to Harry whilst melting in his warm embrace.

"Here is to forever." Harry echoed back, his heart full of love. 


Wow. It has been a lonnggggg time since I have written. It is crazy how much has changed since I began this book and how many people have read it! There will only be a few chapters left to come which I will be forcing myself to get done so I don't leave you all wondering again! I had tried a few times to finish this chapter but I felt like I didn't know who these characters were anymore, how they would respond. But reading it this time I felt like I knew exactly who they were again so I am excited to finish this book! 

I hope you all have had a great year and are staying safe.

As always, I hope you have a great day or night xx <3

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