Chapter Fifty-One: The Garden

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Ever since that night Draco and Harry had been studying on ways to hold your breath for a whole hour.

So far they had only found a bubble charm but it was too easily undone and very unreliable.

"This is useless!" Harry exclaimed suddenly.

"It's okay, we will get there,"  Draco reassured from next to him.

"But how we have only been able to find a spell that could easily go wrong?" Harry asked, wondering how he could be so hopeful.

Draco sighed, he had to admit it did sound very impossible, but that wasn't what Harry needed to hear. Harry needed someone to help him and support him and that is what Draco vowed to himself to do forevermore.

"Maybe we have just been looking in the wrong place?" Draco asked.

Harry's face scrunched in confusion, "What do you mean?" 

"Well we haven't been able to find any information in books so why don't we look into a different source?" Draco asked, an idea bubbling inside of him.

"What source were you thinking?" Harry asked.

"Well..." Draco said thinking, "We could..." Draco trailed off.

"Harry smiled at the concentration of Draco's face.

Suddenly Draco's face lit up and he looked at Harry with intense excitement.

"What about Bris?" Draco exclaimed, "He is technically your adviser and he might know something so couldn't we travel to the Shadowland and ask him?"

Harry smiled widely, "We could! And it would be good practise getting there and back and taking you with me!" 

Draco smiled, happy that he could take some of the pressure off of Harry.

"Draco I honestly don't know what I would do without you, you are literally the glue that holds me together!" Harry exclaimed launching himself at Draco, engulfing him into a hug.

Draco couldn't help but laugh at the playful nature of Harry and replied, "Well isn't it a good thing you'll always have me."

Harry chuckled and pulled away from Draco, "It is, what could I ever do to repay you," Harry said with a huge smile still stuck to his face.

"Well you could always shower me with gifts, love and affection and-" Draco started listing jokingly.

But Harry interrupted him by conjuring a huge bouquet of Draco's favourite flowers and asking, "Is this a good start?"

Draco smiled and accepted the flowers before whispering, "A perfect one," 

The already small gap between the two was rapidly becoming even smaller as they leaned closer and closer to each other until they could feel each other's breath on their faces.

Harry leaned in and closed the gap, their lips moved in perfect harmony with each other as if they were dancing the most beautiful dance that they never wanted to end. 

They simply melted into each other, like the last piece of a puzzle slotting into place.

They eventually had to pull away for breath, panting slightly but still smiling none the less.

Draco however, had a look of determination swept across his features, "Right, shall we?" He asked.

Harry sighed and slumped onto Draco, "C'mon can't we just keep doing this?" Harry pouted tugging on Draco's hands and pouting at him.

"I'd love to Har but we can do that once we know you'll be safe because I prefer the alive Harry to the dead Harry ANY day," Draco responded smiling down at his boyfriend.

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