Chapter Fifty-Five: Is that a promise?

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Today was the day they had been waiting for.

The Great Hall was decorated in sleek elegant crystals, to give the effect of a perfect white Christmas.

Everyone was beginning to pile into the beautiful room, delicate violins were playing in the background of all the chatter.

"Do I look okay?" Blaise asked fussing with his robes.

"You look fine," Harry replied rolling his eyes, " The real question is do I look okay?"

"You both look fine, stop your fussing," Kai said as they walked over to the group of paranoid teens.

"Kai perfect! Ignore them but is my dress okay? No wrinkles?" Pansy asked quickly when Kai got to them.

"You all look lovely chill," They said with a chuckle.

Pansy smiled widely, "Thank you! You look amazing too!"

Kai was wearing a baby blue suit paired with white and peachy coloured flowers on it.

"Yeah seriously, you're killing that combo!" Harry agreed happily.

"Thanks, guys," Kai replied smiling widely, "Where are your dates?"

"They all wanted to come in together so we are waiting down here," Blais said smiling, "Where is Victor and your date?"

"Vicky is over there with Arthur," Kai pointed at the drinks table where Victor and Arthur were laughing, "And Iris should be coming in with her friends soon," Kai beamed.

"I still can't believe that you got Iris Andre to go to the ball with you!" Blaise beamed laughing.

"I can, plus at least they actually talked to their crush not just hide in the shadows for years, if it weren't for me you probably wouldn't be with Theo!" Harry said teasingly.

"Shut up I would be," Blaise said pouting, "I was just nervous," Blaise trailed off which made the group laugh.

"They're here!" Pansy shrieked excitedly.

All heads turned towards the staircase just as Draco, Hermione and Theo turned the corner.

Hermione in a beautiful periwinkle blue dress that cascaded down her figure.

Draco, a beautiful black tuxedo paired with a stunning white top and bow.

Theo, a navy blue suit with a white shirt and black bow.

"Wow!" All three said at the same time.

"I'm going to leave you all to it," Kai said chuckling as he walked over to the side of the stairs waiting for Iris.

"He's beautiful," Harry whispered softly.

The group on the stairs chuckled as they saw their open-mouthed dates.

Harry realized and instantly shut his mouth, chuckling nudged the other two so they would shut their mouths also.

"I knew we looked good but that was hilarious," Hermione said as they reached them.

"Yeah, I don't think I have ever seen these guys have nothing to say," Draco teased which caused Theo and Hermione to laugh.

"Oh we have plenty to say we were just momentarily stopped by your beauty," Harry said grabbing Draco's hand softly and slipping on a white rose corsage.

Draco smiled softly back at him.

"There you are Mr Potter, Mr Malfoy!" McGonagall said, rushing over to them. "It is time for the opening dance. Are you both ready to come in?" She asked.

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