Chapter Thirty Seven: The silent war

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The rest of the feast went well and the group of friends found themselves all seated on the emerald green couches in the common room. Just opposite from where the first years were getting their welcoming speech from the prefects and Professor Snape.

Draco was lying in Harry's arms and Theo in Blaise's. Everyone looked so peaceful.

All except one.

"You guys are so rude." Pansy said suddenly which caused the couples to look up.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked what everyone was thinking.

"I mean that you guys are all so cute and you're making me feel lonely." Pansy pouted.

"Well then, my dear friend, who do you like?" Harry asked with a smirk.

Pansy's face went a shade of pink.

"Well I uh- I don't have a crush on anyone it's just ah-seeing you together?" Pansy stuttered.

Harry laughed, "You forget Pansy, that one is only lonely when they long for someone else."

"That's not true! Some people are lonely because there isn't someone there for them not a particular person." Pansy stated.

"Yes well if you believe that, when you are lonely Pansy does your mind wonder to a particular person?" Harry asked.

Pansy looked down her face pink once again.

"Come on Pans if you do like someone tell us, we might be able to help you know." Draco added.

"But- You guys might not accept them." Pansy muttered.

Harry then moved Draco away from him and sat next to Pansy, he grabbed her hands as a supporting gesture.

"Pansy look around, we are all a bunch of gays who would do anything for the people we love, no matter who it is you like you are still you and we still love you." Harry said comfortingly.

"Really? I know you guys aren't ones to judge but I still worry sometimes, I don't want to subject them to ridicule." Pansy sighed.

"Of course Pansy, and the same goes for them as goes for all of you, if anyone crosses them, they will rue the day they opened their mouth." Harry said with conviction.

"Thanks Harry." She smiled her eyes slightly teary.

"Anytime, you all know i'd do anything for you." Harry said smiling.

"So then Pansy, who are they?" Blaise asked smiling warmly at his friends.

"Hermione Granger..." Pansy whispered just loud enough for them to hear.

They all smiled widely.

"She's really smart I've heard." Theo said.

"Yeah she is, she's in my herbology class, we were class partners a while back and she gives the biggest hugs ever." Harry chuckled.

"I know right, she hugs everyone all the time, I wish she hugged me..." Pansy said with slight sadness.

"Well then let's change that, tomorrow I am introducing you and you can see where it goes to from there." Harry smiled.

"Thanks Harry!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Anytime!" Harry laughed.

"But Pans, why did you think we wouldn't accept her she is lovely." Draco asked.

A sad look dawned on Pansy's face.

"You all know that not every wizard is as forward as us and your family Draco. Mine is... Especially bad sometimes. The entire summer it was my parents yelling about how muggleborns, of course that's not what they called them, should be eradicated and how they should have sent me to Durmstang as they didn't accept muggleborns. I used to just accept that that was how the world was, full of hate. But after meeting muggleborns and meeting all of you I now know that the world isn't like that. It's just their world. I have seen true hatred and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I know you all aren't like my family is but I just wanted to protect her. No matter from who. I just didn't want her to get hurt." Pansy said to them all.

There was a short period of silence. No one knew what to say.

However it was broken by Theo, "I know what you mean Pansy. I have always been open to you about my sexuality, when I was trying to court Harry it was obvious to you all. But that wasn't always the case. My family... They also were like yours Pansy. Hated everything and everyone who didn't think like them. But it wasn't long until their feeling of hatred turned into actions of hatred. Before they were." Theo's voice chocked up a bit so he took a moment before continuing.

"Before they were sent to Azkaban they went to a muggleborn's house, and they.... They tortured them using the unforgivable. All my life I knew that I didn't like girls and all my life I was afraid of what they would do. That I would be the next one their hatred was turned on. I knew what they did. They used to go out every Thursday and torture innocent people until their mind gave way and they no longer knew who they were. I was so afraid of them... One night they accidentally left their note book open and it had the address they were at. I floo called the aurours and told them what they did. I testified at their trial. I sent my own parents to Azkaban. Because I knew that their hatred was corrupting this world. But it still killed me. Even though they were monsters but I sent them away."

Theo shook his head almost as if he was trying not to remember. All were sad, for their friend had to go through all that on his own.

"Anyway I am getting off track. What I am meaning to say is that you are right Pansy. There is a war within most dark pureblood families. Those that hate all that isn't them. It's a silent war until it isn't. And it's a war I fear we will have to face and overcome many times in our life." Theo finished quietly.

"But we won't have to face it alone, you will never have to face it alone, not whilst I am still breathing." Harry said with conviction.

Pansy and Theo nodded both with sad eyes but a sincere smile.

"All right everyone please head off to bed now, it will be a big first day for everyone tomorrow and I expect everyone to be ready." Snape's booming voice said above all conversations.

Most scattered away in respect and fear for the professor. Others moved slowly away saying their good nights.

As did the group.

When Pansy and Theo got up to leave Harry pulled them both into a hug, whispering to them, "I meant every word I said and..."

"What?" Pansy asked her eyes still shining slightly with un shed tears.

"I will prove it to you tomorrow, there is something I have to show you." Harry whispered.

"Okay, goodnight Harry, and thank you." The two said, understanding that this was not the place to discuss what ever Harry needed to show them.

Harry smiled at his friends, "Good night."

Harry and Draco separated from their friends and made their way to their room.

Once they were both settled in bed Harry lay thinking, sub consciously playing with Draco's hair.

"What's wrong Harry?" Draco asked which broke him out of his thoughts.

"I'm just thinking about what Theo and Pansy said, I think I am going to show them my inheritance, I think they need to see it to truly believe that they have a chance in this cruel world." Harry mused.

"What ever you decide Harry I will support you." Draco replied.

Harry smiled down at his perfect mate, "I know you will Dray, come on now, lets rest, sleep well my love." Harry said as Draco's eyes fluttered shut.

Harry lay there looking at his peaceful mate and knowing that whilst he was in his arms, the world would forever have some light, even when all seemed lost.

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