Chapter twenty: Answers and secrets

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----------Meanwhile in Snape's room--------------

As soon as Harry left the room Snape's mind started racing. "How could this have happened?" He asked whilst running to my personal floo. 

"Tom promised me he wouldn't seek out the boy and tell him the truth," Snape muttered right before he said "Malfoy Manor."

"Tom!" He yelled as he began running up to his room.

"Tom where are you we need to talk!" Snape yelled once again only this time a man with chestnut brown wavy hair came out. 

"What's the matter Severus?" He asked worried.

It was the most peculiar scene. Everything about the man was frightening. Although that wasn't the impression he gave. It was all in the eyes. As red as blood yet so full of love. Everything that you could see in this man was  pure and untouched love. 

"I thought we had an agreement that you wouldn't seek out Harry how could you betray me like this?" Snape asked sadly. 

"I didn't I promise Sev I would never betray you!" Tom answered defensively. 

"Then how does he know everything?" Snape asked.

"I don't know, would Draco have told? He seems to be very fond of Harry." 

"No he wouldn't do that no matter what, he gave me this and said that he knew everything and informed me of a deal you had both made, and that's not all he told me to say hi to you." Snape said accusingly.

"I didn't I swea-" A look of realization came onto Tom's face as he looked at the diary Snape was holding, "Is that?" He asked.

Snape nodded and handed it to him, "You were saying." Snape said bluntly.

"The diary- My diary it is a horcrux and seeing as it has been sitting there for many years..." Tom trailed off before turning on his heel and running into the room he had came from.

"Hey get back here what are you doing? We are not finished!" Snape yelled running after him.

When Snape walked in he saw Tom sitting on a chair next to a desk waving him over. Snape took a chair cautiously next to him. A look of confusion on his face.

"This-" Tom motioned towards the book, "Is how Harry knows." Tom said plainly as if he was talking to a toddler. 

Snape frowned at that, "So you indicated but how?" Snape asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Look," Tom said as he wrote,

Hello Tom well past Tom.

It disappeared and left Snape's eyes the size of saucers as the book replied.

Hello Future Tom good to see Harry delivered in sending Snape that book good to see your still in touch with him, is he still super hot or did you get over him? The book wrote back. The last comment made Tom go red and Snape snort.

He's right beside me and you got me in trouble with him for talking to Harry I promised I wouldn't. Tom wrote, not really sure what else to say.

Oh I am sorry Sev I didn't know oh well, now you need to deliver on the deal I made with Harry and tell him everything, also you need to stop the Basilisk.

Damn I knew you would try something one of these days, you had stayed dormant for so long there had to be a relapse of time, pitty Harry didn't take my advice and not go to Hogwarts. Tom wrote.

Well if anything that made it worse, he got curious as to who you are.

Damn oh well what's done is done.

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