Chapter Thirty-Three: The new era

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The next few weeks Dumbledore's face was plastered over every newspaper, billboard and telephone pole. 

The words "Traitor" and "Liar" plastered all over with this. 

Durning the holidays Harry could barely go outside in the wizarding world without people pestering him about how he figured it all out. 

Even though he gave an official public statement telling everyone that the man had kidnapped his family and then told him his plans, missing out the parts where he tortured the man. No, for once they ministry was on his side in keeping the matter of that top secret.

Many people would be too frightened to go near him, traditionally all masters of death were warriors and war chiefs, however that didn't interest Harry. He just wanted a quiet life surrounded by his family and his mate, whom he loved to pieces.

Even amongst the chaos of Dumbledore's aren't Harry still stayed the same bubbly boy that he always was.

Even so now that he was standing in the Malfoy's annual party with ALL of his family. They decided that it was the time the wizarding  world got over their prejudice and they threw a "celebration of all" party, inviting Petunia and Dudley. Much to everyone's shock and thrill everyone plus more came! 

"This really is the beginning of a new era." Petunia mused to Narcissa who nodded and smiled at the woman who had become her ride or die best friend, and her soon to be sister in law. Which the two were ecstatic about and were secretly already planning the wedding. 

"Harry come on, Sev wants to talk to you!" Draco pulled Harry away from a conversation with Theo.

"What about babe?" Harry asked confused.

However before Draco could reply Theo started spluttering, "Babe?!" 

"Yeah, we're dating." Harry replied turning to Theo.

"What? Why him?" Theo said softly.

But Harry saw through his facade, "Theo, you and I both know that I'm not the one you like." Harry smirked when his face went red.

"Wait hold up, what?" Draco asked.

"Think about it, who was the one boy who always laughed every time Theo joked about getting with me." Harry reasoned.

"Holy. Shit." Draco said excitedly, "Go talk to him dude!" 

"What- What if he doesn't like me back?" Theo asked  cautiously.

"Dude, for someone who spends a great deal of time staring at him, you always seem to look away whenever he starts to stare." Harry reassured the boy.

"Really?" Theo asked hopefully.

"Yes, really, now go get 'em!" Harry exclaimed.

Theo smiled widely at them both before running off to find the boy in question. 

"Aww that was cute Har." Draco said hugging the messy haired boy, "But we gotta go Sev is waiting." Draco started to pull Harry away.

"What about Dray?" Harry argued pulling back.

"Just come on you'll figure it out when we get there."  Draco continued to pull the hesitant Harry to where Severus and Tom were talking.

"Hey Sev here he is." Draco beamed.

"There you are Harry, now Draco tells me that you're passionate about becoming a potion ingredients collector, correct?" The Professor asked the young boy.

"Y-Yes." Harry replied nervously.

"Good, it is a very interesting line of work and I am actually in need of some more ingredients, next week I will be travelling to the Amazon to collect rare potions ingredients and actually need a helping hand, interested?" The professor asked with a smile.

"For real?" Harry asked trying not to get his hopes up just in case.

"Yes of course." Snap responded.

Harry didn't miss a beat and instantly launched himself into the man's arms, too excited to say anytime.

Once Harry had let go he nodded frantically just to make sure the man knew that was a yes.

Earning laughs from all around him.

"Well then it's settled, I have already talked to your mom." Snape smiled warmly at the young boy he had grown fond of.

Harry was still smiling every day up until his trip.

Important please read this concerns where to go from here!!!

A/N Okay thanks for reading so I have two options, either I can write an epilogue (probably 2 parts but i don't know) including the wedding and proposal and leaving school.

Or I could write the next year and show the tri wizard tournament and then leave it at that. Or write an epilogue after that.

However I am more leaning towards the epilogue now seeing as this is already a thirty three chapter book and not many people have time to read this much.

Please comment which you prefer however so I can get writing what you want!

I would also like to say a big thank you to all of you who have stuck with my story for this long, I am absolutely blessed on how many people have read this story and it warms my heart so much! I started this out thinking it was bad and was going to delete it but 10 people had read it and I didn't want to disappoint them. Now this story is at 60.9k reads and I would have never expected this. I am sooooooo honoured truly.

I have even received messages from people saying that they like my story and it warms my heart to bring joy to people. 

I would also like to extend my hand to anyone who needs some love and support because I do check my messages and I love every single person who has read my story so please message me if you are ever feeling down or you just want a friend, I can be both for you <3

Anyways enough of my blabbing but if you did read this another thanks haha.

Anyway I'll go now but don't forget to comment your preference! <3

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