Chapter Thirty-Four: Christmas Special

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A/N This is smaller than usual only about 1000 words but I wanted to do a special Christmas chapter.

In a room illuminated by the warm glow of a fire place sat a very happy family. Not all by blood but all by heart.

Every single face glowing with the biggest and brightest smiles.

All bodies adorned the boldest of Christmas sweaters. From dragons in santa hats to potions bubbling with candy canes, no one wasn't jolly in this picture.

It was pure joy.

It was Christmas.

Laughter filled the air as gifts were handed to others.

Two faces glowed above the rest.

Draco and Harry, sat hand in hand, simply glowing. In all ways.

Pictures were being snapped of the cute couple but they didn't notice.

Their hearts too filled with love.

Everything was in this moment, perfect.

Perfect was the only word to describe it.

The picture turned hazy and seemed to fade, till Harry woke up to his room at malfoy mannor.

It had been a few weeks since Harry had left with Snape to the amazon and it was absolutely amazing.

Harry had gained a glowing tan and he an even more glowing personality after he came back.

He almost floated everyday since.

Harry moved slightly only to feel an arm wrapped around his chest, there lying next to him was his lovely boyfriend Draco Malfoy.

Harry smiled down at his mate, so grateful that he was his.

That was when he heard a click from the other side of the room.

Harry looked over alarmed only to find Petunia standing there with a camera and a shit eating grin.

"Mom!" Harry groaned.

To which she just laughed and replied, "Gotta have some photos for the wedding."

Harry rolled his eyes at his mother's words.

"Wake Draco up, breakfast is ready and I'm sure his mother and father would like to know why I foumd him here in your bed rather than in his own room." Petunia replied smirking.

"No Mom! I like him sleeping here please don't make him stay in his room!" Harry begged her.

"Hmmm give me one good reason why." Petunia countered.

"I had a good dream last night, no torture or death, it was pleasant, I haven't even had a nightmare the entire time he's with me!" Harry stated ecstatically.

Petunia smiled weakly, "Well that is brilliant then Harry."

Harry smiled sheepishly back at her.

"Ugh fine I'm still going to tell them that I found you here because they know that he isn't staying in his room anymore, but I will however suggest this arrangement." Petunia stated.

Harry's faced beamed back at her with the biggest smile, "Thanks Mom!"

Petunia couldn't help but smile back until reality hit her.

Her face sharpened ans she looked Harry dead in the eyes and said, "But NO funny business Mr."

Harry nodded his head frantically and replied, "I wasn't even thinking like that!" Harry put his hands un in surrender.

Petunia's face softened and she smiled again, "I know now let's go meet us all down in the dining room in five minutes, even Dudley is up before you two." She smirked and shut the door, striding down the corridor.

Harry looked back down at his mate and smiled once again.

He lowered his face down to Draco's and kissed the boy on the forehead, watching as his eyes fluttered open peacefully, it was a wonder he hadn't woken up before then.

"Hey..." Draco mumbled.

"Hey there." Harry replied smiling.

"What's got you so happy this early?" Draco asked tiredly.

"You,"Harry smiled," And besides it's not that early it's like 8:30 and mom came in before. "

At this Draco's eyes shot open," She saw me in here?! "

"Yes but calm down love, I convinced her to talk to your parents and allow you to sleep in the same room as me so you don't have to sneak in." Harry stated calming down Draco.

"How'd you manage that?" Draco asked curiously.

"The truth." Harry stated plainly.

"Which is?" Draco asked.

"That since you have been staying I haven't had any nightmares and that I actually just had the best dream ever." Harry replied smiling.

"Oh yeah, what was that?" Draco asked smiling just as wide as Harry now.

"I'll tell you about it later babe but we need to be down for breakfadd everyone is waiting." Harry smirked at Draco's pouty face.

The young boy sighed and got up trudging back to his room to get ready.


Once the two boys reached the dining room they found that everyone had already started as they took too long to get there.

"Took you guys long enough." Dudley stated as soon as he saw them.

"Yeah sorry about that this lazy one wouldn't get out of bed." Harry chuckled as Draco slapped his arm.

"Yes speaking of beds, Petunia tells me you are both staying in the same one." Narcissa smirked across the table.

Draco turned a deep shade of pink but Harry sat there confidently, shoulder back fully ready for this conversation.

"Yes and I will tell you the same thing I told Mom, since Draco has been staying with me I haven't had any bad dreams and in fact just last night I had the best dream that I think I have ever had." Harry stated happily.

Everyone was so surprised with Harry's confidence all waiting to see this young wizard squirm.

"And I don't suppose you would tell us this dream of yours?" Narcissa asked trying to hold back her smile at her son's boyfriend.

"I would be delighted to, you were all in it in fact and it was Christmas..." Harry started recounting every detail word for word and by the end there were smiles on everyones faces.

"Well that truly is a happy dream..." Narcissa mused.

A/N Hi guys it's me again, I just wanted to say Merry Christmas!!!

I know it probably isn't Christmas in some other places in the world but I live in New Zealand so it is here!

Anyway I hope you all have a brilliant Christmas and are surrounded by happiness, you all deserve it, love you all!!!

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