Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Final Task Part Three

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Harry's mouth had become dry, he couldn't think, he couldn't breathe, he felt nauseous like the very ground had been ripped out from underneath him.

He didn't know what to do, his brain was running 100 miles per hour and all he could think about was Draco.

He had always imagined dying with him, old and grey, sitting on their couch in the house that they owned, grandkids running around them, being happy.

But this was wrong, all wrong he still had so much to live for, so much to do.

This thought hit him like a ton of bricks and he sunk to the ground, defeated, he should have been more careful, refused to go into the maze. Something... Anything...

But Harry's vision began to darken and all he could manage to do was whisper out a faint, "I'm so sorry Draco..."

Every thought inside of him cried out for help, cried out for a way to still be there. 

To live the life he wanted so desperately.

But he could feel himself slipping, further and further into the void of darkness biting at his ankles.

Threatening to claim him. 

"There's no hope," Filch snarled evilly as he watched the light leaving Harry's eyes.

His mouth twisting into a smile that of a most foul beast.

Harry swallowed hard and ignored the pain in his chest, the sticky liquid he could feel staining everything around him.

"There is. Never. No. Hope." Harry managed to gasp out before spitting directly into the snarling mans face.

The blood stained saliva marking the mans face as one of evil. 

"You're going to pay for that boy," Flich snarled back as he once again ripped out his dagger and lunged for Harry.

Harry closed his eyes and waited for the blow to come, waited for the end.

"No!" Screamed a familiar voice.

But no it couldn't be... 

Could it?

How could he have gotten here?

"Coming after your little boyfriend are we?" Filch grumbled as he turned around, glaring his haunting eyes right into Draco's warm ones, which at the time, seemed to be just as hard and cold and an expression Harry had never seen on Draco... And never wanted to again...

"No, coming after my soulmate," Draco corrected before revealing his large wings, and in the process shreading his t-shirt.

A look of panic flicked across Flich's face as he started to back away slightly.

Decisively, Filch lunged at Draco, the fear gone and a new rage was found.

Draco however simply dodged the attack and pinned the awful man down.

Raising one wing high up in the air, the feathers as sharp as a sword, threatening death to anyone that saw them.

"Don't," Harry managed to gasp out.

Draco looked up in shock and he saw Harry crawling closer to them, holding his bloodied side tightly.

"Harry stop!" Draco said quickly, panicked that Harry would injure himself further.

"No," Harry whispered quietly as he inched closer to them.

When Harry got to them he simply put a hand up to the wing, in which it instantly relaxed in fear of hurting its other half.

"You're not a murderer Draco, let the authorities take him in," Harry whispered softly to him.

"But he hurt you Harry, no one hurts you and gets away with it," Draco said darkly as he looked back at the still pinned down and terrified man.

Harry smiled softy, "And he won't, he will be sent to Azkaban forever and probably receive the kiss, but don't let the blood be on  your hands love," Harry whispered.

"Fine, i'll Let this skum rot." Draco snarled at him.

Harry chuckled slightly before coughing aggressively, it seems even after Draco had come, Harry wasn't bulletproof as much as he felt like it a couple of seconds ago.

"Harry! You need to see Bris, go to the garden, I will take your body and Severus is on his way!" Draco rushed out.

"Bu-" Harry started to disagree.

"No buts if you die on me I will kill you one million times in the afterlife!" Draco threatened.

Harry smiled softly, "Will you be okay with him?" Harry asked softly.

"I will be fine just go quickly!" Draco rushed.

Harry simply nodded his head before lying down on the grass, even as he felt the blood pour out of him, he imagined the beautiful garden, with Bris standing next to the gorgeous waterfall.

"Don't die..." Draco whispered as Harry slipped away.

A/N Hey guys I know I haven't written in a while I have actually been working on a piece for a competition :)) anyway I hope you guys have been doing okay and remember that my messages are always open!

Have a good day/ night


Stay safe and stay inside! Love ya!

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