Chapter two: The incident

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This chapter is violent and if you don't like it then don't read just skip to the ++++++++++ then keep reading from there. Pov's come in at that point :)

Harry had a normal childhood. 

Well mostly. 

It was when his accidental magic kicked in that things got... interesting. Petunia had just smiled and said, "It's okay Harry I love you with or without magic." He smiled at his mom and hugged her for accepting him. Her acceptance meant so much to him. Although he couldn't remember why. It just did. Vernon on the other hand. Well, he started to develop a sort of hate for Harry. Like when no one was around he was rather inclined to talk aggressively to Harry. He especially liked voicing threats to Harry and telling him just how much he hated magic. Harry never believed the threats but was still scared of what the man might do so listened to them and didn't tell Petunia anything. 

He began to try and stay with other people as much as possible, not that he should have had to but he could deal with the verbal abuse.

However, everything changed one day day after school when Harry walked home and Petunia was dropping Dudley at his friends house when Vernon approached him. Harry was minding his own business just reading a book on the couch. It was a magical one, a gift from Petunia for his eighth birthday. Vernon loomed over him and jabbed at the book with one of his fat fists. "Yes?" Harry asked politely trying to mask how scared he was. 

"I am sick of seeing you here." Vernon stated bluntly. 

"Sick of seeing so much vile magic." He continued "It needs to be eradicated." At the words Harry started desperately wish Petunia would come home. Harry didn't reply and this only made Vernon mode angry.

 "What are you too above me to even reply now." Harry's breathing quickened when Vernon started to come even closer if it was possible. 

"N-No" Harry spluttered out. Vernon laughed a demonic laugh and that only put Harry more on edge.

 "What's wrong freak! Are you scared?" He taunted. He then grabbed Harry's book and threw it across the room 

"What's the matter freak!" Harry then began frantically looking around for a way out of this situation. A sharp jolt of pain brought his eyes back to Vernon. He had punched him in the stomach. Harry gasped for air whilst looking at Vernon with his sharp gaze. The first time in a while it had been filled with pain and hurt. Then anger flushed through his gaze and it clearly made the adult defensive and even more angry. He the punched Harry a second time in the stomach and threw him off the couch which resulted in his head hitting the cupboard under the stairs with a loud crack. Harry spat blood out as his eyes were quickly being filled with black spots. 

Just as Vernon was making his way back over the door opened and in shot a horrified Petunia.

"What did you do!" She screamed at Vernon whilst picking up Harry.

"Petunia can't you see what he is doing? He is a freak and he needs to go!" He yelled back. 

"Vernon you disgusting man I swear if you are still here when I get back, hell will feel like a holiday and if you ever think of touching Harry again I won't hesitate to give it right back to you!" She yelled at the large man before disappearing out the door to got to the hospital. 

When Harry came to he started frantically looking around wondering where he was. "Shh Harry you are safe now he will never hurt you again, shh it's okay I am here now." She said whilst hugging him. 

"Mom, he- he." Harry started to cry into her shoulder before she stopped him 

"Shh Harry I know and he will never again, I had gotten a restraining order and the police have been alerted, he ran before they got there though." Harry nodded and looked up at her.

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