Chapter Fifty-Two: The Second Task

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The next morning Draco woke up earlier than Harry did and decided to let him sleep in, after all, he would need it for the next competition.

With that in mind, Draco slipped out of Harry's grasp and got ready for the day.

The day had a chill to it so he made sure to wear his black coat.

Draco then wrote Harry a simple note telling him where he was headed before turning to the door and heading out.

The common room was quiet and only a few people were scattered around, mostly reading or chatting to one another.

Draco strolled past them all and headed for the owlery.

Once Draco had walked passed the big Gargoyle states he heard a familiar voice call his name.

Draco turned around confused only to see McGonagall running towards him.

'I don't think I have ever seen her run?' Draco thought curiously.

"Yes Professor?" Draco replied strolling towards her.

"So good to find you, I was hoping to have a chat with you without Harry so this is perfect! Where are you headed?" McGonagall replied.

"Oh okay, I am going to the owlery to owl my parents... What did you need to talk to me about?" Draco asked confused.

"Oh, I will walk you there and tell you on the way..." McGonagall said whilst striding off towards the owlery.

Harry woke up to the sun beaming on his face.

He sat up and groggily looked around the room and spotted a white piece of parchment at the foot of the bed.

Harry picked it up and read it aloud:
"Hey, Harry I am just headed to the owlery to make sure my parents know that the second challenge is today,

I should be back before you get up but if I will definitely be back to wish you luck before you go!

Love Draco,"

Harry smiled and put the note to the side, getting ready for the day.

Harry had to be swimming so he decided to wear some light swimming shorts under some sweat pants so he was warm until the challenge and a singlet, covered by a long coat and some shoes.

Harry then left the room and saw Victor sitting with Kai chatting on the couches.

"Hey, guys!" Harry greeted walking over.

"Hey, Harry excited for today?" Kai asked.

"Yeah I am actually I have a perfect idea, it came to me last night in my dream, so the egg said that something we would surely miss would be taken and I assume that is what we have to retrieve right?" Harry started.

"Yeah, that is what I figured," Victor agreed, "Thanks for the hint on how to open the egg by the way,"

"Anytime dude, but my thoughts was that if I just swim around for an hour or I not retrieve whatever they take because I mean I can cope without something for an hour, it's probably just a possession, but anyway then wouldn't they disqualify me?" Harry asked.

"Maybe, I mean it's worth a shot if that is what you really want, but you might just come last and get a disadvantage to the next task?" Kai commented.

"True but then even if it is a disadvantage then technically it will be an advantage to my plans," Harry exclaimed.

"That's true!" Victor laughed.

"Well, I really see no low points to this plan!" Harry chuckled.

"Neither do I, but I do see a disadvantage to no food in this task so let's go get some breakfast," Kai commented chuckling as well.

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