Chapter twenty-six: Year three and secondary responses

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The day for going home finally rolled around and everyone was sad to be leaving the house. 

Dudley was especially sad to be leaving Harry and Draco until Christmas holidays which seemed like a lifetime away. But he knew they would still be there when Christmas rolled around so he was content to silently wish away the days before he could see them again.

Petunia was also devastated to be leaving Harry once again and much like other years she shed a few silent tears whilst hugging Harry goodbye.

"Mom, don't cry I will see you ate Christmas and I will owl you loads!" Harry said trying to comfort his mother.

"I know love, I just love having you around." Petunia sighed and with one final kiss on Harry's head she told him sternly, "I want you back in one piece for Christmas and you had better owl me." 

Harry smiled and hugged her once more before turning to Dudley to say goodbye. 

Once the farewells were over Harry and Draco found themselves in a compartment consisting of Evan, Theo, Blaise and Pansy.

"So what did you guys do in the holidays?" Blaise asked casually.

"Harry and his family stayed for the holidays." Draco instantly boasted which caused Harry to burst out laughing. 

"Without me?" Theo asked sounding hurt.

Harry simply shrugged and nodded, "Yeah we stayed for a bit at the start then Mom and Narcissa became good friends like I mean inseparable so we stayed for longer and it turned out to be the whole holidays." Harry said as if he were talking about the weather, not realizing that Pansy's mouth was practically on the floor.

"What do you mean became inseparable! My mom tried to befriend Mrs. Malfoy and they didn't even get along, wait isn't your Mom a muggle?!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Some people become friends naturally and don't have to throw themselves and money at someone to be friends," Draco said saltily. Which caused Harry to laugh again.

Pansy huffed and they all continued talking for the rest of the ride. 

Once they were all seated inside the great hall Dumbledore like every year stood to begin his speech. And much like the other years he gritted his teeth and waited for the fool to shut his mouth.

"Welcome back to year 2's and above and a very warm welcome to year 1's!" Dumbledore exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with fake joy. "Now just before we get on with the sorting I will address some rumors that have been going around. Yes, He who must not be named has been moving around and gaining more followers but fear not because you are safe here. He is indeed trying to re gain a fully human state but once again fear not Hogwarts is safe for we have Harry Potter, the boy who has defeated him on many occasions." Dumbledore smiled wickedly as everyone's eyes turned to him. 

Harry's eyes were as cold as ice and boing right back at Dumbledore. But the old man didn't get the clear message as he continued, "So fear not for he will stop him," The great hall erupted in cheers and Dumbledore smiled. "So tonight I dedicate this feast to him, the future protector and without further ado, the sorting!" 

Harry's eyes barely moved throughout the ceremony. On the outside, he looked calm and collected, but to select few who were close enough to him they could see the firey rage burning up inside of him. 

Draco recognized this and once the ceremony was over he reached out to touch Harry's hand as comfort but instantly hissed in pain.  

All eyes in the friend group were now looking at Draco to see what happened, "Are you okay Dray? What happened?" Harry asked concerned. 

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