Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Final Task Part Two

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A/N Hey guys sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I have had writer's block, I knew what I wanted to write but not how to write it... So anyway I hope you enjoy :))

The only problem was, he wasn't alone...

Beady blue eyes watched Harry carefully.

He hadn't taken their carefully laid bait... How could he not have doesn't everyone want eternal fame and glory?

Dumbledore surely did...

'No' The figure shook his head, 'This boy took him away and no matter what kind of person he maybe he will pay for this,' The figure vowed harshly.

'The time to strike is now,' The figure vowed viciously.

As they moved closer, however, they forgot their surroundings.

A large twig snapped underneath their foot and they leapt for cover before Harry could turn.

"Hello?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Hello?" Harry asked louder, reading his voice so that anyone near him could hear.

He started to fidget slightly, the noise un-nerving him.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..." Harry whispered, scanning the area.

He couldn't see anyone however he just couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him...

"Maybe not..." Harry whispered as he decided to trust his gut and move away from the section.

He had enough scares to last him a lifetime in this maze.

Unfortunately for Harry though, there seemed to be a shuffling following him.

Harry, being a semi-normal teenager was horrified by this idea.

Naturally, his pace quickened as he started to fast walk through the maze of trees that seemed to be constantly trying to swallow him whole.

"I don't like this I don't like this..." Harry said as his fast-walked turned into a slow jog.

Much to Harry's dismay, the footsteps quickened too.

Panic began to sink deeper into Harry and his breath was becoming shaky with fear.

Harry gave up all notions of trying to stay calm and simply ran as fast as he could through the tricky maze, desperately hoping he wouldn't meet a dead end.

After a minute of fast maneuvering, Harry stopped, listened, hoping that all he had just been overacting.

After a few moments of silence, Harry let go of a breath he didn't realise that he was holding in.

Harry chuckled slightly at his antics, "Wow I really can't believe I ran from nothing,"

Harry's breathing had eased and was now back to normal.

Looking around Harry realised he wasn't in a very secure spot.

He was in a fork in the road, in front of him was two paths.

One was wider but had spikey branches sticking out of it.

The other was more narrow but the hedge seemed to be more... Tame.

"When nothing is going right go left," Harry muttered as he ventured down the more narrow path.

After a couple of minutes of slipping through the narrow gap, Harry finally broke through to a wider section.

"Whew," Harry muttered as he eyed his surroundings.

He was surrounded by hedges but thankfully there was a corner to the left of him.

Harry was just glad that coming this way paid off and wasn't simply a dead-end... He still felt a little uneasy about staying in one spot, even though he figured it was just his imagination, he still wanted to be certain.

Keeping this in mind he continues his journey and rounded the corner.

Unfortunately for Harry, it was just another dead end.

"Merlin's beard!" Harry exclaimed annoyed, he wasn't exactly keen to walk through the narrow path again.

"Maybe there is a gap somewhere?" Harry muttered hopefully.

He began to pull back some of the leaves of the hedge, hoping to see an opening into another section, an easier way if you will.

However, a sharp pain in Harry's side and heavy arms holding him down stopped him in his tracks

He halted, scared of what to find holding him.

"Justice," A voice hissed from behind him.

Harry knew that voice, he had heard his mumbling and groaning throughout the castle for many years now.

"Filch?" Harry managed to gasp through the pain.

"Potter," Filch spat back as he pulled away from Harry.

In doing so leaving a trail of blood.

Harry looked down at his side, bright red sticky blood seeping through his once-perfect shirt.

Harry opened his mouth, unsure of what to do, the shock of it all still running through his veins.

He slowly turned, pain shooting through him as he did.

He turned his shocked and pain-stricken face towards his attacker, someone he knew as grouchy, mean and bitter but never a murderer.

But the look on his face, the disgusting smile that seemed to drip venom, was one of pure evil, one that reminded him all too much of Dumbledore.

"Why?" Was all that Harry could pipe out as he held his hand to the wound, terrified as he felt hot blood, his hot blood.

"Because you got rid of him, you got rid of the one an that helped me and raised me to the man I am today, I vowed that if anything were to happen to him I would kill them. I will admit that when you didn't take my bait of the cup I was surprised, but when I kept putting it in your way and you kept turning away, that had me stumped. But I got over it a vow is a vow no matter what kind of person you are and test me, Potter, I will enjoy watching you die." Filch stated his words dripping venom.

Harry's mouth had become dry, he couldn't think, he couldn't breathe, he felt nauseous like the very ground had been ripped out from underneath him.

He didn't know what to do, his brain was running 100 miles per hour and all he could think about was Draco.

He had always imagined dying with him, old and grey, sitting on their couch in the house that they owned, grandkids running around them, being happy.

But this was wrong, all wrong he still had so much to live for, so much to do.

This thought hit him like a ton of bricks and he sunk to the ground, defeated, he should have been more careful, refused to go into the maze. Something... Anything...

But Harry's vision began to darken and all he could manage to do was whisper out a faint, "I'm so sorry Draco..."

Stay safe beautiful!

Be Kind


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