Chapter Forty-Three: Feeling light-headed?

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Later that same afternoon everyone was rounded up earlier than the normal time for dinner and taken back to the Great hall for an announcement.

"Hello, thank you all for coming so quickly." Headmistress McGonagall started once everyone began to quieten down. "There is a special announcement I would like to make before dinner tonight. As you all know we are all participating in the TriWizard tournament, that means that students 17 years and older can put their name forward to be in it. This is not compulsory and if you put your name forward you stand alone. Do this at your own risk." She said very seriously.

That most defiantly set the mood for the tournament.

"The way you can put your name in is through the Goblet of Fire." 

She then waved her hand and bursting through the door came a giant Goblet emitting blue flames flew down the middle of the Grand Hall, leaving everyone marvelling in its wake.

"This is the Goblet of fire. It will be placed in here for the next three days, In between and after classes any student 17 and over can write their names on a piece of parchment and place it in the flames. If you are under 17 do not attempt to put your names in for the Goblet is surrounded by an age line that I drew myself. Easy enough to say that nothing can fool this line." When she said this she looked directly at Fred and George Weasley who simply smiled back as if to say 'challenge accepted'.

"After three days time, our three champions will be selected and will face the challenges ahead of them in search of glory and wealth!" She exclaimed, she was obviously excited for this tournament. 

"With that note, let's begin the meal!" 

McGonagall once again waved her hand and the tables were filled with food and everyone's focus went to that.

"I'm entering!" Victor and Kai said at the same time.

"Why would you want to?" Harry asked obviously stumped.

"If I win then my future will be set, it would look so good on my application forms and I could go for whatever job that my heart decided," Victor answered happily.

"To be honest the death-defying tasks sounds awesome." Kai stated with a thrill-seeking look in their eye.

"Yes but not everyone can defy death and so many people have died in this tournament!" Harry exclaimed.

"Well it's a good thing that you'll be watching because what I have heard is that you're already a wizarding genius with a mind that absorbs spells so I am sure that you will save me from the stands if I ever get too close to death." Kai exclaimed which made everyone bt Harry laugh.

"Oh yeah! What if I don't watch." Harry countered.

"Please, you'd never do anything to hurt a friend," Kai stated to which Harry pouted.

"Okay fine but seriously think about this before entering okay?!" Harry asked.

"Okay we will." Victor responded.

The rest of the night went well and the group seemed to be getting closer and closer as time marched on.

However, at the back of Harry's mind there was something there, itching for his attention.

It was annoying him. Taking all of his concentration.

"Are you okay Harry?" Draco asked, noticing Harry's discomfort.

"Yeah - Yeah I am okay, uhh I think I am just going to head back to my room I am feeling a little light-headed." Harry responded.

"Okay I will come." Draco said starting to get up but Harry stopped him.

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