Chapter nine: New information, who is this dude?

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Knives, blood, red eyes, Vernon. All images played inside my head. All plaguing my every move, my every blink. There was no escape when the danger was your mind. This happened most nights, but was worse when I wasn't in the comfort of my room. When the magic wrapped itself around you shielding me from most harm. But right now it was going full throttle. There was no escape. No pendant. Only Vernon. Slowly advancing on me like a predator and it's prey. Weapon at the ready. With a jolt he sliced the blade across my stomach. I screamed bloody murder. Why was it always me? Vicious laughter roared through the room taunting me before slice after slice I was crumbled on the ground in a pool of blood. I started shaking violently. This didn't normally happen? I thought before I was pulled away from the scene and thrust into the all too crowding room that I was currently residing in. 

I blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the new surroundings. I looked around rapidly making sure he was not here. A sigh escaped my lips when I realized he wasn't. How much longer will he plague my mind? I wondered. 

"Harry?" A voice pulled me back to reality. I looked over and saw Lilly, James and Evan all looking at me with shocked and scared expressions. I just looked back at them not knowing what to say. 

After a few moments of awkward silence I said "Sorry, did I wake you?" My voice sounding not as confident as I wanted it to be. 

Lilly's brow furrowed and she replied, "Harry what happened?" 

I looked down slightly before replying "Just a nightmare, you can all go back to sleep now. "

I looked back at them and flashed my best 'i'm fine' smile. This just made them all sadder. 

"Do you get them often?" Evan asked. 

"Sometimes." I replied. I don't really know what to make of this situation thought.

 "Are they related to what your Bogart was?" James asked. I looked down again not wanting to answer. Lilly put her hand on my shoulder in what she thought was a comforting demeanor but it only made me more on edge. 

"Some what." Was all I managed out. They all shared glances and then looked back at me. 

"Did Vernon-" James started before I cut him off. 

"Look I am tired can we all please go back to sleep. They seemed startled by my sudden reaction. 

"Harry this is all new information to us we want to know so we can help." Lilly started. 

"We know we weren't there for you the last time you needed us but we want to get this information so we can be there for you the next time you need us, Harry we aren't leaving you again."James finished. 

I looked up at them and subconsciously rubbed my scars. I thought for a moment before Lilly asked, 

"Is there something wrong with your torso?" I looked at her confused before she continued, "I always see you rubbing it so I was just wondering if it was in pain or something." 

I looked down and decided that I would have to tell them some truth to get them off my back. I don't really trust them enough for the whole truth. 

"Something bad did happen to me and I do get nightmares about it but I am sorry that is all I can currently tell you, I know you have known about me for your whole lives but I have only known you for a year, I don't trust you enough to tell you that takes time." 

They looked heart broken and I feel bad for telling them that but they had to hear it. One small gesture and some promises won't  change a whole decade of lies and neglect. 

"We understand." Lilly finally said. 

"We look forward to the day that you trust us enough to tell us." James added sadly. I nodded back and lay back down in bed. They all left with sad expression and longing glances. I did my best to ignore it but it ate at me. I really did feel bad for making them upset. Ironic huh. Knowing I would not be able to sleep any more I decided to write a letter to mom and Dud and read a little before morning. 

By the time 6am came around I was glad to get out of bed. Changing into new clothes I walked out of the room. I came into the living room and found James reading the prophet, Lilly and Evan talking. I decided not to disturb any one of them and sat down on the couch and put my headphones in. Blasting some music I was oblivious to the conversations around me. Only when a hand was waved in front of my face did I realize that James was trying to get my attention. 

"Hey Harry feeling better?" He asked once I pulled my ear buds out. 

I nodded and he sighed slightly. "So what do you want to do today, your pick."

 I shrugged and asked "What do you normally do." 

He smiled and replied "Whatever really normally Evan chooses." 

Go figure I thought before replying "Can we go for a walk then." 

His smile widened and he replied "Sure thing straight after breakfast we can go." 

I nodded and Lilly called us all to the table. When I walked in there was so much food. I sat down and grabbed a piece of toast before buttering it and taking a bite. Once everyone was finished  we gathered in the living room and walked out. We were walking around the black lake having normal conversations when I noticed someone lurking behind a tree.

 It looked as if it was the same man with turban. I shuddered at the bad vibes coming off of the man. I quickened my pace and walked closer to Lilly and James. Taking a mental note to never walk alone unless I knew it was safe to. 

After the walk I decided it was time to depart from the Potters and go back to the Slytherin dorms for the rest of the day. 

"Okay Harry but remember if you ever need anything at all then you know where to find us no matter what time." Lilly told me at the door.

This was backed up by two twin grins from James and Evan. I found myself smiling and nodding. This wasn't the worst weekend ever I suppose I thought whilst turning away. I was deep in thought and was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the same man in a turban. Who is this dude!? I thought as I quickened my pace to get to the dungeons. 

The man seemed to be doing the same thing and I did the only logical thing. Run. I bolted through the corridors and ignored all the glares I got. I only stopped when I was safely inside the Slytherin common room.  I was out of breath and panting when I heard a familiar voice say, "That bad huh?" 

I chuckled at the blond and replied "Nah it actually wasn't that bad." 

He looked surprised and confused before asking "Then why were you running?" 

I smiled and said "Long story." 

"I've got time." Draco said with a smirk. This cause me to break down into giggles. I then explained what had happened not missing out a single detail. The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughs and long conversations. We were where we belonged. Together, laughing.

A/N Hey guys! I am FINALLY on holiday for 2 whole weeks. So that means more updates for you guys! I should be finishing year one next chapter! I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading I honestly didn't think anyone would read this and now I have 1k views!!!!!!!! I am so grateful so thank you all so much. Anyway enough of the soft stuff hope you enjoyed and will hopefully get the next chapter out within the next few days. Byyyeeeeee XD

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