Chapter fifteen: Back to school

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The next day was filled with excitement and hugs. Harry spent the whole morning talking and laughing with Dudley and Petunia. Trying to squeeze the last out of his few hours that they had left together, before he left back for another year at Hogwarts. Don't get this wrong he loves Hogwarts and can't wait to see his friends again but sometimes it is nice to laugh with family. 

Before they knew it they were on the other side of the wall waiting to join the loud scene that was always Kings cross. They were saying their goodbyes away from prying eyes. "Have you remembered your scarf? How about your jumper? And you-"

"Mom I remembered everything don't worry honestly." Harry promised Petunia. 

"Okay," She replied hesitantly. "It's just I have a bad feeling about this." 

"It's okay Mom he will write and talk all he can just like last year." Dudley comforted.

"No it's not that just- Oh never mind let's go through the wall." 

Dudley and Harry nodded as Harry ran at the wall with his trolley and Dudley following after. But before they could cross through the wall they crashed into it and went tumbling over each other - the contents of Harry's trolley were tumbling out. 

"Are you okay?!" Petunia cried running over to her two sons lying on the concrete. Harry and Dudley were getting to their feet as she reached them. 

"Yeah Mom were algood but why didn't it let us through?" As Harry finished his sentence the bell chimed signalling 11. 

"What! No we've missed it the train leaves at exactly 11 o 'clock." Harry frantically stated. 

"Calm down sweetie we can go see Sirius and Remus and ask to use their floo." Harry let out a big sigh and nodded.


Once they reached the door they knocked and when Sirius opened it he asked "Hey weren't you suppose to go on the train?" 

They all nodded and Sirius let them in to explain. Once Remus had been called and they were all sitting in the lounge Petunia explained what happened and what they wanted to do. 

"Sure you can use our floo." Remus said with a big smile. This made Harry's face  light up at the thought of not being late to Hogwarts. Although fate wasn't having it because as they were walking over to the floo a loud crack was heard. They all swung around only to see a timid house elf. 

"Are you okay?" Sirius asked the elf. 

"Okay? Yes of course Dobby is okay Sir thank you for asking." The elf - Dobby - beamed. 

"Then if you don't mind me asking why are you here?" Remus asked politely. 

"Dobby does not mind at all Sir but Dobby has to warn you he has been sent here to warn Harry Potter that it is not  safe to go to Hogwarts this year." 

This time it was Petunia's turn to speak, "Warn him about what and why?" 

"Well Ma'am there is danger at Hogwarts this year and my master fears for his safety." 

Dobby messily explained. "Who is your master?" Remus asked but before Dobby could answer Sirius added. 

"Wait Dobby? That sounds familiar aren't you the Malfoy's house elf." 

Dobby shook his head. "No Sir I live there but I tend to another person living in that house."

"Who?" Harry finally said. 

"Master Harry Potter Sir it is a pleasure to meet you and I cannot say Sir. I have been given strict orders not to say anything until you have learnt the truth." 

"What truth?" Harry asked again.

"That you must find out for yourself."  

"Well in that case if you cannot tell me anything useful other than Hogwarts isn't safe which is cosewallop than I will be on my way." 

Harry said firmly before turning back to the floo.

"Do you remember what to do?" Sirius asked Harry whilst handing him some green powder. 

Harry nodded and Remus added "Say Dumbledore's office." 

Harry once again nodded before turning to Petunia and Dudley, "Thanks guys I will write and call you" 

A big smile made it's way to his face and Petunia replied, "Yes Harry stay safe." She looked a little worried by the house elves words but Harry didn't bat an eyelash before he was in the fire and saying Dumbledore's office.


The green flames erupted and Harry was standing looking at Dumbledore and fawkes. 

"Harry?" Dumbledore asked confused. 

"Hi Professor the wall didn't let me through and as a result I missed the train so we went to Sirius and Remus's to use the floo." Harry said casually as if he was stating the weather. 

"Oh okay well everyone will be here soon so go and wait in the great hall for your friends to arrive." 

Harry nodded and walked down the corridor dropping his bags where the normal drop off is. He walked into the great hall and waited where he and his friends normally sat. 

Meanwhile on the train...

"Where is he?!" Draco asked Theo. 

"I don't know man we looked through all the carriages we will locate him when we get to Hogwarts come on we have to get changed. Draco huffed but complied and walked back to their carriage. 


When they finally arrived int the great hall Draco was the first one to spot Harry. 

"Harry!" Draco yelled as he ran over to him. Harry's face lit up as he saw Draco running over to him. Harry barely stood up in time before Draco enveloped him in a bear hug. All of Harry and Draco's Slytherin friends laughed as they walked over not surprised int he slightest at their behavior. 

"What happened you weren't on the train?!" Draco exclaimed as he let go. 

"I missed it but I will tell you the full story later." Harry replied quickly as he saw Dumbledore get up. They all took their seats and watched the scene in the Great Hall unveil being on the other side of the sorting was weird but was still amazing. 

Clapping cheerfully when new Slytherin's came to them. Without a moment to spare the feast had begun and Harry began to explain what happened to him at the station. 

"Wait Dobby did you say?!" Draco exclaimed as Harry finished. 

"Yeah why that is hardly the weirdest of it all." Harry replied casually.

"Dobby is a house elf that works for someone at the Mannor I will mail Mom and Dad and ask why Dobby went to you." 

"Wait who does Dobby work for he wouldn't tell me?" Harry asked excitedly.

Draco looked un-comfortable with the question which was unusual seeing as he would normally answer any question of Harry's in a heart beat. 

"I can't tell you that Harry sorry but one day you will know and understand why. 

Harry pouted but nodded anyway. The next few minutes were filled with light conversation about holidays and before they knew it they were headed back to the dorms. For Harry back to his room that had a comforting feel to it. He couldn't for the life of him know why but then it clicked. Draco and Snape knew and they were fine with it that day in his room. It was then that he made it his mission to find out why.

A/N Hey guys sorry for the wait I have been super stressed with school but I would just like to say Thanks to Everyone! I have 3k views and I could not be happier! I started this thinking no one would read it and you all have been amazing! Remember I love to read comments (as long as they aren't mean) So don't be silent! Have a good day...Or night...Yeah!

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