Chapter fourteen: The zoo

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Harry jumped out of bed bubbling with excitement. He quickly got dressed before running down the stairs and tackling Petunia in a big bear hug. He was home and surrounded by the people who he loves. He hadn't had a nightmare for a long time now and with out jinxing it he was ecstatic. 

"Hey darling are you excited to go back to school?" Petunia asked Harry with a big grin plastered on her face. 

"Yep I can't believe the holidays are almost over I only have one more day!" Harry exclaimed as he pulled away from the hug.

"Yeah but guess what we are doing for that last day?" Petunia asked Harry. A look of confusion spread across his face as he shook his head. 

Dudley then came into the room smiling knowingly. "We are going to the zoo." Petunia said smiling widely at her two son's. 

Harry and Dudley began jumping out of excitement. "Yes! Can we go to the reptiles! Oh and the lions and the-" Petunia cut Harry off with laughing. 

"Of course we can I want to spend as much time as I can with you before you leave for Hogwarts." Harry's smile only grew wider as he pulled his mother into a bone crushing hug. 

-------------time skip to zoo--------------

"Mom look look!" Dudley exclaimed as he ran into the reptile house. 

The past hour has been made up of Dudley and Harry dragging Petunia around to all the animals they wanted to see. This included the lions, penguins and much more. They were currently both running into the reptile house. 

They came to a stop in front to a large python snake. "Look!" Yelled Dudley. 

"Shh he's sleeping." Harry whispered with his finger to his mouth. 

Dudley nodded "That's true, oh look over here there is a tarantula!" 

Dudley went running the other way heading for the large spider. 

"Sorry about him he gets over excited sometimes." Harry said casually whilst leaning on the bar next to the enclosure. 

The snake then stilted it's head and nodded. 

Harry looked confused and over all puzzled. "I didn't know snakes reacted to people talking to them hmm that's odd." 

Harry said whilst staring intently at the now awake snake. 

The snake came once again closer to the glass and hissed back "Only to speakers." 

Harry's eyes bulged and his mouth dropped open. "Speakers what do you mean?" Harry asked dumbfounded. 

"Well a speaker- I assume you have magic blood- is a witch or wizard who has the gift of parseltongue which is snake language it is very rare and you possess it." 

The snake said with interest. "Am I the first snake you have spoken to?" Harry nodded unable to form any other words. 

"I see, well can you do me a favor." The snake hissed once again. 

Harry snapped out of his daze and nodded rapidly "Of course what do you need." 

The snake smiled if that was even possible. "Good now I sense that you are very powerful and I think you are able to do wandless magic so if that is the case would you do me the favor of sending me back home to Brazil, nothing to drastic in action just make this horrible glass disappear." 

"Of course I couldn't imagine being away from home for so long here you go." Harry then focused on the glass and with in a few seconds the glass disappeared. Once the snake had slithered out  he replaced it and whispered to the snake.

"Safe trip and try not to draw too much attention it will make escaping much easier." 

The snake once again smiled creepily before replying " Thanksssss." 

Harry nodded and the snake snuck past everyone's feet. Once he was out the door he turned and found Dudley with Petunia holding the tarantula. Harry chuckled before walking over to them. 

"Hey Sweetie you almost ready to go?" Harry and Dudley both nodded the day slowly catching up to them. There was a sudden shuffle from the opposite side of the room and Harry stilled. 

"Hmm I wonder what that is?" Petunia asked. 

"Probably nothing let's just go I am a quite tired." Harry said quickly faking a yawn. 

Petunia raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. Petunia walked to the exit but the two boys hung back for a second. 

"Why do I have a feeling it wasn't nothing?" Dudley asked Harry suspiciously. 

Harry smirked and replied "Because it wasn't i'll tell you later mom's almost at the door." The two boys then ran to catch up with Petunia. 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the wait but I have been super stressed. Term break has just ended and the teachers decided to give us an internal tomorrow so now I am so stressed to get everything done plus study for it. So as a result this chapter was shorter only 920 words but I had to get it out. The next one will be going to Hogwarts. I will still aim to publish two chapters per week but I am sorry if I am a bit late. I will make up for it if I am. XD Anyway thanks for sticking with me it means a lot and see you next time!!!!!!!!!!

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