Chapter Forty-Five: And the Champion is...

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"What happened are you okay?" Petunia asked rushing over to Harry's side, followed closely by Dudley.

"Yes, I am now, it's a long story," Harry said with a smalls smile.

"Well you had better get explaining, I am going to develop heart problem because of you." Dudley Draco complained.

"And you might want to put away your wings, I can't exactly give you a hug with them out." Dudley teased.

Harry chuckled before willing them back into his back.

"Finally." Dudley laughed before leaning down and hugging his brother.

"Now explain," Dudley said in a stern voice.

Harry chuckled, "Okay, okay, to sum it up I got transported to a place called shadowland, not very adventurous at first I spent two days running trying to get out but with no luck, it was all black. Anyways these demons started whispering about me somewhere in the darkness and it was beginning to piss me off and eventually I lost it and growled at them hence the wings and fangs. Anyway, they scampered and yelled 'descendant' I think it was. Oh well, Bris heard me and told me that the shadowland is where demons get banished to but it was originally a place made for the master of death. They can make it whatever they want and can transport themselves and anyone else there whenever they want. However, that is not its main purpose it is a safe place for the master of death and if anyone is planning to kill them and they don't know about it they get transported there as a warning. Anyway, Bris taught me how to come back and here I am." Harry said in a bored tone.

"Wait someone is trying to kill you, I thought that problem was gone when Dumbledore left," Dudley commented.

"Someone else I guess, he was dealt with," Harry said.

"You're kidding?" Snape asked. Hoping he was.

"Yes Severus, I just love to make up rumours that someone wants to kill me, it is actually my favourite pass time." Harry sassed back.

"Okay, jeez it was just a question," Snape complained.

"Sorry, I am just tired, it may not look like it because no harm can come to my body whilst I am there but I have been running for days," Harry said tiredly.

"Okay we will leave you now, get some rest and be careful," Narcissa said.

"I would suggest you practice transporting yourself to the shadowland, that could be useful if someone is preparing to cast a spell at you," Lucius suggested before walked with his wife out the door. 

Narcissa stopped at the door and turned back and said, "Oh and Harry make sure Draco eats something he has barely functioned without you." 

Harry looked to Draco and noticed how tired and thin he was looking.

"Dray! You look tired, why didn't you eat." Harry asked softly.

"I wasn't hungry," Draco replied, his cheeks flushing at the intensity of his gaze.

"I think that is our cue to leave," Lilly said, "Sirius and Remus give their best, they weren't able to come because of the full moon last night." 

"That's okay I understand how hard that is on them," Harry replied.

"Goodnight love, we will come back to visit." Petunia said as she kissed Harry's forehead.

"See you soon bro," Dudley said holding his hand out for a fist bump.

Harry chuckled and complied, "See you guys thanks for coming."

"Anytime, bye Harry!" Evan chimed in before they all turned away and left.

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