Chapter twenty-five: Mastering and the holidays

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The next day everyone was, metaphorically, sitting on the edge of their chairs in anticipation of what Harry was going to show them.

The excited whispers dulled as Harry moved from his position.

He was currently perched on the ground inhaling deeply and exhaling just as deep. Seemingly preparing himself. Without warning, Harry stood abruptly and raised his hands high. Flames erupted out and circled around the roof and Lucius was secretly grateful he did, in fact, invest in fireproofing before Harry started. All eyes were on the beasts made out of the fire, dancing around the room as if he owned it. Darting around beams and lighting the room with a beautiful amber light. The Dragon slowed and looked down on the spectators ominously. If they didn't know Harry was in full control of the dragon then they would have probably run for their lives.

The dragon crept closer to them as if scouting out a kill. Everyone leaned back away from the increasing heat, all but one. Draco stood and reached a hand out to the dragon and he smiled. Teeth flickering with ash. As the dragon reached a hand out to meet Draco's Narcissa screamed "Draco no!" 

But Draco wasn't listening. Even though they all trusted Harry they were well aware that he had only one lesson. 

As Draco and the dragon's hand met, the dragon turned from fire to water. Absorbing Draco's hand, the dragon smiled wider as he circled around him. Before leaning down and kissing the top of his head. Leaving a huge cow lick on Draco's head. Reminding everyone of when Draco refused to style it any other way. It was only due to Harry's protests did it change to a more natural style.

Everyone chuckled and came forwards more to meet Draco. The dragon once again became active and swam through the sky with ease. The dragon the spat out fireworks that turned into raindrops when they reached the spectators.

The whole scene was truly beautiful.

To end Harry wanted to leave an impression. He made the dragon disappear with a flip. All eyes turned back to him as flowers grew out of his palms, instead of just Draco's favourites, he included, Narcissa's, Lilies and Petunias. Even some that Dudley liked. Leaving everyone speechless. For the spectators who he didn't know the favourites of, such as, Sirius, Remus, James and Evan he put in some general favourites.

Once all the flowers had grown he made them spread. All around the room. Until the flowers reached the ceiling and flicked at their feet. Harry swept everyone off their feet, hauling them up higher so that they were each sitting on a thrown of flowers. All of their mouths dropped wide, admiring the work of art Harry made out of nothing.

As they were so high up they could no longer see Harry. Panicking Draco started furiously looking around, searching for him as he was worried that he was stuck down there.

As soon as the thought crossed Draco's mind, as if on cue, Harry rose from the ground in a cloud of black. Instantly easing Draco's worries.

Harry whispered to Draco as he reached him, "Hey was it okay?"

Draco looked at him with the widest smile, "Was it okay! It was amazing!" He then launched himself at Harry and gave him a massive hug.

They both laughed and Harry let everyone down slowly, getting rid of the flowers and any left over mess.

"That was amazing!" Petunia gushed as he embraced her son.

"Yeah bro I didn't know you could do that!" Dudley exclaimed.

Lilly, Evan and James walked over politely still not fully in the group.

They have been more included throughout the days they have spent at the Manor, although a few days cannot change the past, this was something they know.

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