Chapter Twenty-Four: Training

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It had been three days since the group had last visited Gringotts and during that time they had all got better acquainted. You could say become friends. The oddest of friends but still friends none the less. James, Sirius and Remus were back to pranking although they never could get Harry...


The trio snuck around the corner of the lunge and saw that everyone was there. "Perfect." James chuckled as they all threw in a  changing hair color bomb. When the smoke cleared the three men looked inside gleefully at the orange, blue, purple and pink haired people. Only to be stumped seeing Harry sitting there reading casually as though nothing had happened. 

"Nice try." Harry simply said smirking not even looking up at the shocked faces. 

Everyone else in the room (who was previously) glaring burst out laughing because technically their prank didn't work. 

Through the laughter Draco made his way over to Harry and sat on the side of the couch pouting.

Harry finally looked up and had to hold in his laughter at a pink haired Draco.

"Harrryyyyy can you please change it?" Draco whined.

"Why Dray pink looks good on you." Harry chuckled and Draco's face turned the same shade as his hair. Everyone else cast knowing looks around the room and Narcissa cooed slightly at the two boys. Neither of them taking any notice.

"Pleeaaassseee?" Draco said rolling dramatically on top of Harry causing his book to fall and all of his attention to go to Draco.

"Hmmmmm," Harry pretended to contemplate, "Well maybe..." Harry trailed off.

"Please Harry?" Draco asked with the biggest pout and the cutest puppy eyes which made Harry chuckle and give in.

"Fiinnneee only because no one could ever resist that face." Harry said as he 'booped' Draco's nose. Harry then flicked his wrist and Draco's hair went back to normal.

"Thanks Har!" Draco exclaimed.

"Hey Harry can you do the same for me?" Dudley asked hopefully and Harry looked at him. He had bright blue hair and Harry laughed as he looked around the room and said "Sure but last one and good luck to everyone else getting their hair back to normal you'll just have to wait a few days." 

Harry flicked his wrist and Dudley's hair went back to normal. A huge smile went onto Dudley's face.

"Harry your not even going to help the woman who raised you." Petunia asked with a fake hurt face.

"I mean I love you to the moon and back mom but come one, purple suits you!" Harry laughed at her fake glare.

Current time

Seeing as none of the adults could figure out what spell Harry had used and they couldn't find the counter curse the adults had to wait the next few days with outrageous hair. But much to their amusement, Sirius, Remus and James all came down the next day with bright green, yellow and pink hair. It seems like Harry had paid them all a visit in the night...

Now that everyone's hair was normal today everyone was heading back to Gringotts to get the Goblins to 'train' Harry. Whatever that meant, but Harry was keen so they were going. 

When they arrived it was no surprise that the Goblins acted weird once again. Bowing and calling Harry Master. Who knew they were the slaves of the Master of Death? 

At least it was Harry who is the Master and not some horrible person like Dumbledore, they would manipulate them and that was just... Inhumane.

They walked through the same passage as before but this time they took a left instead of a right. 

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