Chapter Thirty-Eight: DADA? I think not

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The next morning the Great Hall was still bustling from last nights news. Especially the Gryffindors, they were as loud as ever. However two twins looked to be scheming. 

"One guess as to what they're scheming about." Harry whispered to Draco.

Draco chuckled and replied, "How to trick the system and get into the competition." 

"Exactly, however, from what I've read that isn't possible and their most likely plan would be to get an aging potion. Do you reckon I should tell them that it will make them age 80+ years when they step over the age line?" Harry chuckled.

"Ohhh that's a hard one you see, because that would be a very entertaining sight." Draco sniggered.

"What are you two plotting." Pansy huffed as she was once again left out of the conversations.

"Oh just how to get you and your crush together is all." Harry replied with a smirk as her face turned a rich shade of red.

"Shut up you guys I seriously regret telling you two." Pansy huffed.

"Oh please you'll be thanking us in no time." Draco laughed.

"Yeah yeah." Pansy mumbled.

"Okay okay moving on," Theo laughed, "Does everyone have DADA next?" 

A chorus of yeps sounded in the friend group as they all gathered their stuff and headed to their first class of the year."


"There will be no need for using magic in this class, this will be a strictly theoretical class." The toad faced lady in pink said at the front of the class. 

All of the kids faces scrunched up in confusion. 

"I and the ministry are well aware what kind of things have been going on in this institution under its previous leader ship, and we are appalled that he was allowed to influence children at this school." She said with the fakest concern it made Dumbledore look believable. 

"So in that case we have made a decision for your well being, we will be learning defensive spells from the text books and we will be learning the theory behind them not how to use them." She said proudly,

"Not using spells, what happens if we need to defend ourselves?" Hermione interrupted from the other side of the room.

"Excuse me, why would children like yourselves be in any harm?" She countered with a voice dripping of toxic sugar.

"Well for one a maniac went under the ministries nose for years as he was able to influence children and try to kill one particular person many times, isn't that good enough reason to actually do you job and teach us how to defend ourselves!" Hermione exclaimed, anger bubbling out of her.

 "Question my teaching methods one more time and you will be in detention Miss Granger, this is for the good of you all!" Umbridge yelled as she stormed back to the front of the class.

"But you don't get my point, if we aren't learning defensive spells then this ISN'T dada!" Hermione yelled.

"Silence! Detention with me this evening Miss Granger, anyone who agrees with her can also join her." The toad of a lady giggled at the end, almost as if she liked making students lives hell. She glared at the students almost as if daring someone to speak up. An idea slid it's way into Harry's mind.

"Actually I agree and if I have to go to detention to prove it then so be it, it's not dada if we don't learn defensive spells." Harry said confidently, not breaking eye contact once.

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