Chapter Thirty-Two: Hostage

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The two boys soon arrived at the gates of Hogwarts and it seemed quiet, normally there would be people outside no matter the weather. So why was there no one?

Harry thought this to be curious.

They walked cautiously inside the huge castle to find chaos. There were students running around and teachers all following. Harry and Draco looked at each other in a worrying manner before running after the hoards of people. 

Once they caught up to the crowds they saw Blaise and Pansy, "Guys!" Harry yelled.

The two quickly turned around and yelled "Harry! Everyone Harry is here!"

Everyone stopped and turned to look at the pair. 

"What's going on?" Harry asked everyone.

Professor McGonagall came to where the boys were and said, "I think it's best if you come." Harry and Draco were then dragged to the infirmary.

By this point, the pair were VERY concerned. 

Upon entering the room they saw a very shaken and terrifying version of Duddley.

Harry instantly ran over to him and asked, "Dud! What happened! Where's mum?!" 

Dudley slowly looked up at Harry and as soon as their eyes met Dudley burst into tears.

Harry lunged onto him into a big hug in an attempt to comfort him.

It was at that point that he realized that there were others in the room, Harry instantly pulled the curtain leaving only him and Draco next to Dudley. 

Draco came around and started rubbing Dudley's back whilst Harry began trying to ask Dudley what happened.

"Dudley I need you to tell me, that's the only way I can make it better," Harry said quietly to him.

"That's the thing Har," Dudley sniffed, "I don't think you can."

Harry began to feel even more panicked than before, "Please Dud let me try."

Dudley sniffed a few times before looking at Harry and saying, "He came."

"Who, Dumbledore?" Harry asked nervously.

Dudley nodded and sniffed again," Yes, he came in a-a-a and he t-took her." 

Harry's face paled, "Mom?" He whispered.

Dudley nodded his head and burst into tears again, Harry, on the other hand, was done with tears when it came to Dumbledore. No, he wasn't going to cry, he was going to have revenge once and for all.

"Dudley, do you know where he took her?" Harry asked fiercely.

Dudley looked up knowing what he was going to do and replied, "He said he was taking her to where his problems started," 

Harry nodded and went to leave but was stopped by Dudley pulling him back by his shirt.

Harry turned to look at Dudley, only it wasn't the Dudley he knew. He was fierce and had a hard look in his eyes, which were normally warm brown but now were harsh and cold.

"Harry, when you find him..." Dudley started before standing and looking Harry directly in the eyes, "You kill that son of a bitch."

Harry nodded, he didn't care about the consequences in that moment, he just wanted that evil man dead, and he was going to do just that.

Harry turned to the door, quickly followed by Draco whom he stopped, "No, Draco you are my soul mate and boyfriend, I don't want you to get hurt so, please just stay here and look after Dudley, he needs someone here with him." 

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