Chapter Forty-Six: Too Much

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The rest of the night was numbing for Harry. He had known someone was plotting to kill him but whatever happen ed to an old fashioned duel? 

Why did they have to put him into the one competition that he thought anyone was stupid for entering and the death rate was so high.

'I suppose it is kind of genius on their behalf' Harry mused. 'If I die in the Tournament then my death can't be blamed on them.' 

'Clever but cowardly.' Harry thought bitterly.

"Harry? Aree you listening?" McGonagall asked him.

"Huh?" Harry responded looking up.

"I asked if you were listening  but I think that was a grand enough answer." McGonagall teased.

"Sorry Professor." Harry mumbled, "I am still a bit tired."

She nodded, "You can retire to bed now, I promise I will keep looking after dinner for a way to get you out." 

Harry nodded and gave her a smile before getting up.

"Goodnight Harry," Victor said as Harry turned to leave.

"Goodnight Victor," Harry said back with a weak smile.

Harry walked out of the room, his mind elsewhere whilst his feet dragged him through the door.

On the other side, dinner was still being eaten and a worried Draco had his eyes trained on the door waiting for Harry to emerge. 

Once he saw Harry stumble through the door he rushed over. Kai also stood and intended to follow bt Hermione placed a hand on their shoulder, "He just needs Draco right now, we will see him once he is feeling better." 

They nodded, and slowly sat back down.

"Will he be okay," Kai asked concerned.

"I hope so, Harry has had a rough couple of days," Blaise answered sadly.

At the Gryffindor and Teachers table Lilly, James and Evan also rushed over.

"Harry are you okay?" Draco asked one he reached him.

Harry kept walking oblivious to his boyfriend calling out to him.

"Harry?" Draco said louder this time.

That seemed to wake him up, he turned around and looked at Draco confused, "When did you get there?" Harry asked.

"Just now, are you okay?" Draco asked again moving closer to him, feeling his forehead checking if he had a temperature.

"Y - yeah I - I-" Harry stuttered, his breathing quickened.

The stares all around the room doing nothing to calm him.

Harry felt the room closing in on him, in a desperate attempt to stop it he clenched his eyes shut.

Realising what was happening, Draco walked in front of Harry's vision, "Harry. Harry listen to me, only me, my voice, I am here for you Harry. I will never leave you."

Harry's breath slowed slightly but was still panicked and fast. 

"Harry open your eyes, I am here okay," Draco whispered.

Harry's eyes fluttered cautiously open, Draco smiled at him, "See I am here, and I am not leaving, I never will." Draco whispered hugging him.

"Thank you, Draco." Harry whispered in his ear, "I am so scared." Harry said so quietly Draco barely heard it.

"I know," Draco whispered back.

"We need to get him out of here, too many people can't be good for him he has only just come out of a coma, bring him to our rooms we will get blankets and tea for him and... We will call Petunia." James whispered to Draco.

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