Chapter Fifty: The Clue

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After the cheering had died down and everyone had joined the crowds once again, all four champions stood on the same stone that they had battled a dragon on.

"Thank you once again all for coming and I would just like to ask for a huge round of applause for our four champions!" McGonagall's voice boomed.

The crowd all stood in the stands and cheered and clapped as the champions held their heads up high.

McGonagall hushed the crowds before saying "Now all of the champions have successfully completed this task and have all gained the clue that will help them succeed the second challenge, without it they will have little to NO chance of succeeding!"

The crowd once again cheered and clapped in excitement for the next challenges to come.

"However, some exceeded better than others in this challenge! Based on their time taken to defeat the Dragon and the accuracy and complexity of the spells that they cast, in fourth place Fleur Delacour!" There was a huge round of applause from the crowd and Fleur smiled and bowed to the audience.

"In third place was Cedric Diggory!" McGonagall boomed!

There was an eruption of applause from the students of Hogwarts.

"And in second place... Victor Krum!" McGonagall exclaimed. 

There was a huge round of applause from both Hogwarts and Durmstang because it meant that Harry had won.

"Finally in First place was Mr Harry Potter!" McGonagall exclaimed with a huge smile, she then handed Harry a bouquet of flowers and an envelope.

"What's this?" Harry asked her, signalling at the envelope.

"A cash prize, it is the rules that every winner has to receive one," She said smiling at him.

"What? No other people need this more than I do-" Harry protested to her, already thinking about two twins in particular.

"I knew you would say that Harry, and we must give it to you according to the roles but the person can give it to whoever they wish to," McGonagall said looking at the young boy with pride.

He smiled up at her, "Thank you." 

"Anytime my dear, now it looks like there is a group of people rushing over to see you so I will take my leave now, good luck," McGonagall replied before walking over to congratulate the other participants.

"Harry! First!! You deserve it!" Draco and Dudley yelled as they ran over to him. 

Shortly followed by, Petunia, Mr and Mrs Malfoy, the Potters, the Weasley twins and the rest of Harry's friends.

"Thanks guys," Harry said with a smile.

"Yeah Harry with your awesome performance you earnt us  200 galleons easy!" Fred started.

"No one bets on the underdog my friend," George finished with a huge smile.

"You guys bet on me! What if I lost?" Harry asked concerned that they were throwing away the money that they were saving for their business.

"Of course we did Harry! And we knew you wouldn't lose!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Well, since you had such faith in me this is for you," Harry exclaimed happily.

"What is it?" Fred said as he took the envelope Harry had outstretched.

Inside they looked and saw at least 200 galleons.

"Harry! We can't take this!" They exclaimed.

"Of course you can, it's for your shop that you are saving up for!" Harry defended.

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