Chapter Thirty-One: The first date

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By the time the Hogsmede day came around Harry and Draco were both bouncing with joy.

"What's up with you two?" Pansy asked, looking over the dining table curiously at them. 

The entire breakfast the two boys were giddy and kept looking at each other and laughing.

"Nothing." Replied Harry dreamily.

"Please." Pansy sassed back but Draco and Harry only laughed.

"Well, we'll see you guys later!" Both exclaimed and ran off.

The groups of friends, sighed, shrugged their shoulders and carried on eating.


The two boys grabbed their coats and ran out of the gates of Hogwarts, they were both ecstatic.

They slowed down as they began to tire and walked peacefully towards Hogsmead, both enjoying each other's company.

They talked about many things on their way, from favorite music to which celebrity they thought was the cutest. However, that topic only made Harry jealous resulting in Draco laughing at him and grabbing his hand. They walked like that, hand in hand in peaceful silence the rest of the way to Hogsmead.


Once they reached Hogsmead it was beautiful, flowers were blooming on every corner, shops filled with sweets of every kind, this part especially tickled Draco's fancy as he ran there dragging Harry along behind them.

"Harry look at all of this!" Draco exclaimed, his eyes wandering around with childlike awe. This was too cute for Harry and he couldn't look at any of the sweets, he was too fixated on Draco's beauty.

"Har?" Draco asked when he realized Harry hadn't responded.

"Sorry," Harry mumbled and shook himself. "Yeah, there are so many." He finally said which made Draco chuckle.

Draco and Harry grabbed a few treats from the store, paid and headed out into the town to explore. 

It was incredible there, the two couldn't get over this and walked around marveling the scenery. "This is such a nice place," Harry commented softly, rubbing the back of Draco's hand with his thumb.

"Yeah, it is so peaceful too, not quiet but peaceful, I mean look at all the people, not one frown." Draco marveled.

"Yeah, I suppose it would be hard to smile in a place like this." Harry agreed and they continued walking around, simply taking in the sights before they walked to the Three Broomsticks for lunch.

Once inside a flush of warm air hit their faces and made them smile. Harry walked Draco over to a side booth he had reserved for the two of them. A lady walked over to them once they were seated, "Whatcha want loves?" The two of them ordered a butterbeer each and some fries.

Once the lady had walked away Harry turned to Draco and said, "You know I have been wanting to take you on a date for a while." Harry blushed.

"Well then why didn't you." Draco teased which made Harry laugh.

"I don't know, I guess I wanted to ask your dad first," Harry stated casually.

"Wait you asked my dad?" Draco asked confused.

"Yeah," Harry laughed, "I guess I kind of wanted confirmation you would say yes." 

"You're so dumb! Of course, I would have said yes I have wanted to date you since I met you." Draco laughed.

"Well, that can be arranged," Harry said with a wink, as the lady walked back with their food, "Here you go loves, enjoy!"

 "Thank you!" Said the two boys in unison.

Once they had both tried their drinks and marveled over them Draco said something odd, "So Harry tell me something about you."

"What do you mean? You know everything about me?" Harry asked curiously.

"I can't know everything Har, there must be something, like I like to paint, see you didn't know that." Draco laughed.

"Wow you paint that is so cool, you'll have to show me sometime," Harry said smiling widely with huge puppy dog eyes.

"Sure thing but don't deflect the question, what's something you haven't told me before?" Draco inquired still laughing.

"Well uh, I guess I haven't told this to anyone so I want to be a potions ingredients collector," Harry said shyly.

"Why's that?" Draco asked smiling.

Something seemed to light up in Harry as he said, "Well as you know I am a parstletounge and did you know that there is a whole genre of potions ingredients that are extremely rare because they reside in snakes and no one can go near them, I guess sit would be sort of freelance but just talking and learning about snakes is amazing!"

 Harry beamed the more he thought of that as a career.

 "Not only snakes but there are some beautiful ingredients out there as well, there is one ingredient called the lumen flow which translates to light flower, it is an ancient flower which glows and leaves a residue of luminescent gold! It is used to make the most difficult and good potions." 

Draco couldn't get over with how much Harry loved all of this. Even more than that he loved seeing Harry so carefree and happy. It was at that moment that Draco decided that he would do anything to make sure this dream would become his reality.

"That sounds amazing Harry, I hope you pursue that because I am sure people would pay all sorts to get those kinds of ingredients plus they if I am not wrong can create such potions like heal me, which dumb name I know but can heal any wound in seconds. You should talk to Severus about this I am sure he could take you with him to get some ingredients, give you some experience." Draco commented.

Harry's eyes lit up with pure joy, the kind of joy that Draco would never get sick of seeing, "Really? You think he would?"

 "I am sure of it," Draco reassured.

The two continued talking there for a few hours before they decided that it was time to head back to the castle.

On the way back Harry stopped Draco walking and said, "Dray, I uh I wanted to ask you something." 

"Sure Har what is it?" Draco replied.

"Well I had a great time today and I wanted to know if you wanted to go on another date as uh well as my boyfriend?" Harry asked looking into Draco's eyes with a child-like hope.

"Of course I will!" Draco beamed and lept into Harry's arms, they stayed there for a moment both smiling widely before they started to pull away before they were fully away however they became locked in each other's gazes. Neither moving away from this peaceful moment. Their faces inches apart seemed to gravitate towards each other like they were meant to be. Until they were so close that their lips were almost touching until they were touching. Their lips met and what seemed like fireworks erupted from the two boys. What was sweet and brief lingered on their lips as they pulled away and smiled. They both grabbed a hold of each other's hands and continued to walk back to the castle. Neither said anything as they both knew how they felt, absolutely starstruck. They felt their joy would last forever. But in the wizarding world forever isn't that long for they didn't know what awaited them at the castle...

A/N Hey guys I am sorry that it took so long to post I have been a little busy but I am back on track now and am super excuted about writing more! I know this was shorter than the rest of the chapters but I assure you there is more to come... Take care and have a VERY happy holiday! And don't worry I will be posting much more regularly now that things have calmed down!!!! Byyyeeeeeeee

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