Chapter Twenty-Seven: The inheritance...

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A/N Hey guys I am so so so sorry that I haven't been active but here is another chapter for you. I just want to say I know the birthdays are really messed up and not accurate but I kinda stuffed them up at the start so basically, it's Draco's birthday first then Harry's a week later. Okay, cool, enjoy!!!!! And again, sorry.

The next day all of Harry's friends were surprisingly cool about the whole situation. And as Pansy had said it was "Awesome."

Harry and Draco were currently sitting across from each other doing homework when Draco randomly said, "Hey Har, my inheritance is coming up."

Harry looked up and met Draco's eyes before Draco shifted his eyes back to his homework.

"Yes of course I know Dray, Veela right. Are you scared?" Harry asked placing his homework next to him and taking Draco's out of his hands and doing the same.

"A little." Draco replied quietly looking at his palms.

Harry gently grabbed his chin and tilted it up so he was looking Harry directly in the eyes and said, "Dray I will be there for you no matter what, right by your side the whole time. And nothing could keep me away."

Draco smiled slightly before replying, "Thank you Har."

"Anytime Dray," Harry replied as he let go of Draco's chin.

At that point a owl that Harry recognized to be Narcissa's pecked at the window.

"Midnight?" Draco asked as he went to let him in. The owl flew over to Harry and dropped a letter to him.

He turned it over once before opening it.

"It's from mom." Harry said absentmindedly before zoning out reading.

Once Harry finished he looked up at Draco mortified.

"What?" Draco asked concerned.

"Mom's coming!" Harry exclaimed.

"Huh?" Draco asked confused.

"Mom's coming, as in coming here! He read the letter and I quote 'No one threatens my baby like that I will come and show him a piece of my mind.'

"Shit something like this happened in primary and mom literally made the principal cry like no kidding! This is going to be a disaster!" Harry exclaimed in a rush.

Draco couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What! Dray this isn't funny!" Harry yelled.

"I'm sorry Har but it kinda is, she made your Principal cry! Omg I love your mom!" Draco said in between giggles.

Harry couldn't help but snort, "Well I guess it will be funny to see Dumbledore's face. Maybe then he will get the message not to threaten my loved ones."

"That is true, when is she coming?" Draco asked.

"Uhhhh." Harry scanned the paper again before saying, "A day after your inheritance and -"

"And what?" Draco asked curiously.

Harry then burst out laughing and pointed to a small message at the bottom of the page.

Draco snatched the paper and read aloud, "P.S Draco your Mom's coming with me seeing as it involves you too, and we expect to hear every single detail during and prior to your inheritance."

"What does that mean?" Draco asked.

Harry couldn't stop laughing and Draco was getting frustrated, "What!" Draco yelled and Harry continued laughing but tried to form a sentence. "For once I'm not the oblivious once." Harry burst out laughing even harder at that and Draco pouted.

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