Chapter seven: The boggart and flying

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The weeks went by relativity the same. Me ignoring Lilly and James unless necessary- in other words- in class. But today was different...

The whole Slytherin dorm was bustling with excitement. I walked to the common room to see what was going on. There posted on the notice board was a poster saying:

First years:

Today's schedule will be different, 

You will have flying lessons for 3/4 of the day.

You have this with the Gryffindors

After that, you will have a defence against the dark arts,

Do as you are told,

Don't lose points, 

And have fun.

Professor Snape.

As soon as I had finished reading the notice a familiar blond came and jumped on me laughing. "Hey!" I yelped as I fell onto the couch, with Draco still attached to my back. All that was heard from him was bounds of laughter. 

"I take it you're excited huh?" I smirked at him. He couldn't even speak he was laughing too much. He was nodding profusely like a soap opera girl that had just been asked to marry the protagonist. I chuckled at the analysis, 

"Well come on let's go to breakfast and get ready." He jumped up and ran out the door, with me trailing behind having fits of laughter. 

After breakfast was done everyone filed onto the quitch pitch waiting for Madame Hooch. Once she arrived the whispers died down and we all gave her our undivided attention. Well, that was until a  certain big-headed Gryffindor and his "gang" followed him making loud noises and disrupting the whole class. 

"Mr Potter, what do you think you are doing? Just because you are the boy who lived does not mean that you can disrupt my class! Now get over there!" Madame Hooch yelled. 

His face visibly paled and he went over to a spare spot. "Right then we will continue, stand to the left of your brooms placing your hand firmly over it and say up!"

 A loud chorus of ups came from around the class. "UP!" I yelled and instantly my broom went flying into my hand and everyone stopped and looked at me, most in disbelief and some in jealousy.

"Well done! Mr Potter first try too." She mused and everyone started again. After ten more tries Evan's broom went into his hand but he was slower than half the Slytherins. 

Ron, in a rage yelled "Up!" And the broom went flying into his face. Loud laughter erupted. 

"Right Mr Weasley, Hospital wing with me at once, oh that is a gusher, the rest of you don't get onto your broom or else you will be out of Hogwarts before you can say Quitch." 

She turned to look directly at Evan, "No matter who you are!" 

As soon as she was out of sight Evan said, "Who does she think she is?" 

"Ummmm...A teacher." I replied sarcastically. 

"I mean but I am the boy who lived."  He groaned.

"It's a stupid title Evan, not a crown! Not everyone is going to bow to you, well at least not everyone with more than two brain cells." 

He looked flabbergasted. "How dare you! If you are so brave then come on follow me!" He got onto his broom as if to prove something and almost fell off the further up he went. 

"I'm not stupid," I yelled at him. Suddenly the doors opened and out came a furious Madame Hooch. 

"Mr Potter come here now!" She bellowed and dismissed the rest of us. He came down and walked solemnly to the lady as she dragged him away loud laughter broke. We all walked to the defence room and walked into taking our seats. I was still chuckling and whispering with Draco when my 'Father' came around the corner dramatically. I rolled my eyes and Draco snorted before we turned our attention to the child-like man in front of us. 

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