Chapter Forty-Eight: Helping Harry

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It had been five days since Harry realised that he had to compete.

He had been studying any and every clue that Professor McGonagall had given him. 

These included:

Fire resistance spells,

Strong sleeping spells,

and summoning spells.

Draco was starting to worry about him, every single spare moment he had he was studying.

It was getting to the point where Harry was downing coffee every morning just to function enough without passing out.

It was currently Friday night and Harry was perched at his desk in the same spot as he had been for hours now.

Draco came in with a sandwich and sighed when he saw Harry still studying.

"Harry you didn't come to dinner, you are going to fade away soon," Draco said softly, pulling Harry away from the book he was glaring at as if it had tried to kill him.

"I'm okay, thanks." Harry replied not even looking up from his book.

"I don't want a skeleton for a boyfriend Harry." Draco said firmly which stopped Harry in his tracks.

"Thanks Dray," Harry said quietly, sliding the sandwich out of Draco's hands and placing it next to the book.

"Will you please take a break, Harry?" Draco pleaded softly.

"I can't Draco the tournament is on Sunday." Harry sighed defeated.

"I know, but if you die before then what does the tournament matter Harry? Just please take a break and come talk to me." Draco pleaded again, the sadness shining through in his eyes.

Harry studied his face for a while before sighing and nodding. 

Draco grabbed the sandwich off the table and grabbed Harry's hand before walking over to the couch. 

Draco pulled Harry down next to him and passed him the sandwich again.

This time Harry smiled softly and took a small bite.

The two sat in comfortable silence for the next few minutes whilst Harry ate his food.

Once he was done he rested his head on Draco's shoulder and whispered,

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much Dray." 

"Don't be silly Harry I am just worried about you, I know this is hard and I don't know how to help," Draco whispered back.

"You help me by just being there Dray," Harry whispered.

"I just don't want you to feel alone," Draco said now looking Harry directly in the eyes.

"I know I never am as long as you are here," Harry replied.

Draco smiled, "Good, now love come to bed, you need your rest." 

Harry smiled meekly and nodded, and allowed Draco to pull him to bed.

Harry as soon as his head hit the pillow fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Draco on the other hand, couldn't sleep. He was too worried.

He was telling the truth, he didn't know how to help Harry.

Thoughts nagged at Draco's mind, things he could do?

Shoot a spell from the crowd if he needed to? No Harry knows more spells and Harry would only be punished.

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