Chapter six: Class and confrontations

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I woke up panting with sweat trickling down my forehead. Another nightmare. I wiped my forehead and was very thankful for my room. I jumped out of bed and headed for the shower. Hoping that the freshwater would shake the chill that always came with a nightmare. After my shower I cast a wandless tempus I had read about in one of the books Petunia gave me. It was 6:00 am, and the dorm wouldn't be up for another half an hour so I grabbed a third-year potions book I got from Diagon Alley and went to the common room to read. 

After a while of reading, a door was flung open and then slammed shut. Loud footsteps and low murmuring followed the figure as they rounded the corner. Until they stopped dead in their tracks staring at me. 

"Do you need something, Professor?" I asked. 

My words seemed to shake him as he said, "Yes in fact Potter I was looking for you, where are you currently sleeping? You could not be found in your designated room." He drawled bluntly. 

"Oh I am staying in the end room down the corridor, it had no name so I thought I could, I prefer privacy, is that a problem?" I asked as innocently as possible, trying not to get kicked out of my room.

 He seemed to mull over my words before saying "No, uh not at all." He then looked me up and down until he spotted the potions book in my hand. 

"Mr Potter, what are you doing with a third-year potions book?" He asked accusingly with only a little bite, which I suppose was progress. 

"I got it from Diagon Alley, Potions is one of my favourite subjects."

"Hmm, I see, very well." With that, he swept back the way he came. 

"Damn that man loves his dramatic exits," I mumbled before my eyes flicked back to the text in front of me. A few minutes later another door flicked open but this time revealed an extremely dishevelled Draco. 

"Dude what happened to you!" I asked surprised that he would ever walk out like that. 

"Huh- Wait how do you look like that it's 6:45!" He bellowed tiredly. I rolled my eyes and flicked my wand. Draco was then wearing tidy robes, cleaning their face and combing their hair minus the gel. Which in my opinion looked WAY better.

"There now come on let's go to breakfast!" I replied. He nodded slightly surprised at what I just did, but decided not to comment which I was thankful for. We continued on our way to the great hall for breakfast. Once we arrived, there were only a few people there considering how early we were. 

"So why were you up so early?" Draco asked me as we settled. 

"Oh, just a - " I was trying to think what was a plausible explanation. "First-day excited...ness?" I replied but it was more of a question than a statement. He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Yeah let's pretend I believe that," When I remained silent offering no true answer he sighed, 

"Alright, that is fine, tell me when you're ready." I nodded smiling and continued eating my toast before a ruckus at the door averted my eyes. It was my dim-witted brother and his 'gang' following behind. Boasting about some stupid thing or another. I rolled my eyes and looked back to Draco. 

"At least being obnoxious doesn't run in the family." He commented. I snorted and nodded my head. 

"What are you laughing at unwanted brother." Evan projected. 

"A bafoon," I stated plainly. At the snort from Draco and the drop on his face, I knew he understood. I smirked. His face was growing redder by the second. But luckily before we would know all this dumb boy's thoughts a loud buzz echoed through the hall. I looked down to see that my pendant's eyes were glowing red. 

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