Chapter Fifty-Four: Ballroom dancing

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There was only one week until the Yule ball, Harry was dreading at this point because this meant that he had to attend ballroom dancing lessons taught by his very own boyfriend Draco Malfoy, supervised by Professor Snape of course.

Which I might add, having Draco as the teacher made everything 10 times worse.

Not only did Harry have to endure seeing Draco dancing with other people, but he had to endure the horrible humiliation of Draco watching him fail miserably.

"Dracooooo, you don't understand I cannot to save myself dance!" Harry whined.

"You'll be fine love, I am teaching everyone," Draco comforted Harry as he flopped dramatically onto the couch.

"But that's what makes it worse! You're amazing at dancing and I suck that will be so embarrassing for me!" Harry complained.

"I won't judge you, love, I'm sure you're not that bad anyway," Draco replied, sitting down next to his complaining boyfriend.

Harry just glared half-heartedly at Draco and replied, "I once got kicked out of ballroom dancing class because I wouldn't stop breakdancing."

Draco couldn't help but laugh at Harry which only made him pout.

"Come on love we have to go now or we will be late," Draco said trying desperately to pull Harry to the practicing hall.

Harry huffed and internally died as he allowed himself to be dragged to the common room which had all of the furniture moved back so there was enough room. 

Draco smiled widely as he saw a group of people waiting.

"Sorry I am late everyone I had a little trouble getting this one to come," Draco said pointing at a pouting Harry, which made everyone burst out in giggles.

"But now that I am here let's get started," Draco exclaimed happily, he really enjoyed teaching people things that he was passionate about, it wouldn't surprise Harry in the slightest if Draco ended up taking over Snape's job and teaching potions at Hogwarts. 

"Okay so everyone pick a partner and I will demonstrate with Blaise, " Draco said confidently.

Harry sighed but moved over to where a Slytherin girl was standing anxiously, "Do you have a partner?" Harry asked politely.

Her face lit up, "I do now," She exclaimed. 

Harry smiled back on the outside, but trust me, on the inside Harry wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear. 

"Okay so the leads take your partner's waist and their hand, the others, take your partner's shoulder and hand," Draco exclaimed.

Everyone was shuffling around, getting into the position that they were told to. 

Harry grabbed, the girl, Balinda's hand a waist whilst she took his shoulder and hand.

"Now the lead will take a step forwards with your left foot and the other person a step backward with your right foot," Draco instructed sand everyone took a step in the direction they were told.

"Good, okay now you will both take a step either left or right, the same way, the lead will make this choice so the other person just has to follow their movements but it is good to keep in mind what they can do so you're not caught out by them," Draco instructed, before showing everyone how to do it with Blaise leading and Draco following.

Harry nodded and attempted to move to the left with Balinda but was too ambitious and ended up dragging Balinda slightly as he had longer legs than her,"

"Remember to keep your steps small," Draco commented to everyone after witnessing what had happened.

"Sorry," Harry mumbled, his face burning red.

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