Chapter Forty-Seven: Getting out of it?

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Harry awoke the next day to Lilly shaking him slightly, "Hey Sweetie, Petunia will be over soon so she and you can talk to Professor McGonagall."

"Mmm Okay," Harry responded sleepily rubbing his eyes.

Harry groaned as he rolled over to face Draco, "Are you coming?" Harry whispered.

"Mm yeah, just give me 5 more minutes..." Draco replied his eyes still shut and sleep threatening to take over.

"Come on if you're coming then we need to get up Mom will be here soon," Harry mumbled moving to get up. 

"Nooo..." Draco complained as he grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him back over to him.

"Come on love we have to get up," Harry said his eyes adjusting to the morning rays more and more every second.

"Ugh fine..." Draco mumbled as he let go of Harry and moved to get out of bed.

 Once Harry and Draco were dressed and had breakfast they were sitting on the couch waiting for Petunia.

Once she got there she opened the door with a swing and rushed over to Harry, "How are you? Are you okay?" She asked frantically.

"I'm fine Mom," Harry replied chuckling.

"Okay good, now let's go sort this out!" She beamed.

The three of them then walked up to the seventh floor to a familiar gargoyle entrance.

Petunia spoke confidently, "Lemon drops." 

A staircase ascended like an elevator up to the office of the Headmistress.

Once the group had walked up there they knocked three times on the large oak door.

"Come in." McGonagall's voice called from inside.

Petunia opened the door and walked purposefully over to her desk.

"Ah Petunia what can I do for you?" She asked politely.

"I think you know Minerva, I do not want Harry in this competition," Petunia said with force.

"Of course, please take a seat, I have been looking for a way out of it." McGonagall started.

The two boys sat on the couch next to the desk whilst Petunia sat on the chair directly in front of the desk.

"What have you come up with then?" She asked politely, secretly hoping this woman wasn't as batty as the old coot used to be. From what she had heard from Harry, however, showed her that she wasn't. But you can never be too sceptical.

"Not much, unfortunately, I have found that the person who put his name into the Goblet did so by having Harry as a different school and being the only one to enter their name, giving Harry a 100% chance of being picked," McGonagall stated.

"Well then seeing as he doesn't go to that school can't he not do it?" Petunia asked.

"I am looking into that but the competition is binding to the person regardless of the school, I am afraid that he will have to compete," McGonagall said.

"And if he weren't to go to this school?" Petunia asked seriously.

"That was one of the first things I considered I promise you but even if he were to be homeschooled he would still have to compete it is still a binding contract to Harry. I am sorry, The best that I can do is off the record show Harry the right books that he should study for spells that will help him during the competitions, luckily for us Harry is beyond his school year and the spells should be easy to master." McGonagall said apologetically.

"So there really is no way out of it? What would happen if he were to try and not do the competition?" Petunia asked desperately.

McGonagall looked down sadly before replying, "The last known person to try and defy the bond ended up in St Mungos clinically insane." 

The silence that followed was drawn and devastating. 

No one wanted to say anything.

Why would they?

The only two options they had was compete and possibly die or not compete and end up clinically insane.

With one final squeeze of Draco's hand for courage, Harry spoke, breaking the silence "Can I use any means to complete the task?" 

"You are allowed to use your wand and therefore any magic you possess," McGonagall said confused.

"Then I will be fine, if I do not complete the first task I will be disqualified yes?" Harry asked.

"Yes, you will be," McGonagall replied.

"Then all I have to do is not complete the first task in the allowed amount of time and it will all be over," Harry stated blandly.

"But Harry you will still have to compete, isn't that what you didn't want" Draco whispered.

"If I can escape whatever the task is for the allowed time then I will be fine all I have to do is hide," Harry answered.

"Besides if it goes wrong then I can go to the Shadowland," Harry whispered quietly so only Draco could hear.

McGonagall nodded and said, "I will offer you all the assistance I can."

There was a long stretch of silence, everyone waiting for Harry's reply.

"Then if I have to compete... So be it." Harry said finally.

A/N Hey sorry this was a short chapter but I needed a filler before the competition starts! XD I hope everyone is safe and happy! Have a good day/night :)

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