Chapter ten: A disastrous end to year one...

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The next day (Sunday) Draco and I were walking to breakfast when the man appeared out of no where. "Hello Children." He said.

"Hi." Draco cautiously said. 

"Where are you off to this fine morning." The strange man implored. 

"None of your business." I replied coming across confident and strong. 

His head tilted in a calculating way.

"We best be off." I said when it was clear he wasn't going to say anything. 

I grabbed Draco by the arm arm and maneuvered around the man. "Until next time Harry Potter." The chilling voice called from behind. When I turned to see him he was gone. 

"Was that him?" Draco asked concerned. 

I nodded "Yeah but he has never got that close before or even talked to me." Draco looked a little shaken but otherwise fine so we walked into the great hall. We walked calmly over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Anthony, Blaise and Pansy. 

"Hey guys!" Draco and I greeted at the same time causing them all to laugh. 

"You guys are so in sync it's crazy almost as bad as Fred and George." 

I laughed. "You called." Two voices behind us spoke. I whipped my head around and saw that Fred and George were in deed standing behind us. I chuckled, trust them to hear their names from a table away. 

"We were just talking about how in sync you guys are." 

They nodded "That" Fred started,

"Is true." George finished. 

"But we are actually here to talk to" 

Fred started and George joined in for an over the top "Harry!" 

I chuckled again and said "Yeah sure guys what can I do for you?" 

They shook their heads and said "Not here." They motioned for the corridor. 

I nodded and said "Be back in a  minute guys." 

We walked out of the Great Hall and into the corridor when Fred and George put up privacy wards around us. 

"This must be really important." I stated before they turned back around. 

"We were going to do this later on but-" 

"We think you are ready now" They said with twin grins that were only contagious.

"Ready for what?" They pulled out some parchment and their wands. 

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." They spoke whilst holding their wands to the parchment. On the cover the words Padfoot, Mooney, wormtail and Prongs present the Marauders map. 

"The marauders who are they?" I asked. They looked at me confused before replying.

"Your dad, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black." I made a surprised face and they continued. 

"They were legendary pranksters in their day, this was how they got around without being caught." 

They pulled the parchment open and revealed a map with names on it. "Quick Filch is coming!" 

Fred yelled and pulled us around the corner. A moment later Filch walked past grumbling about one thing or another. 

When it was clear I said "Wow it works!" They nodded enthusiastically. 

"Sorry we didn't give it to you earlier we had a few unfinished pranks to pull first." I smiled widely. 

"All goods guys you can borrow it anytime, but I have one question why did you give it to me and not the beloved boy who lived." I said in a mock tone. 

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