Chapter Twenty-one: Stopping the basilisk and rage...

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(A/N I decided to write parstletounge like this *parstletounge* because sounding it out was weird and I am doing convos so yeah)

The next few days Harry kept himself. He was slowly but diligently planning how exactly he was going to stop the basilisk.

If you didn't know Harry well then you would just think he was tired or sad maybe, but if you know him then you would know that his mind was racing with all the different possibilities and scenarios.

"Do you need any help?" Draco asked him.

"No I'm fine thank you I'm just running through my plan making sure that there's no holes or errors." Harry replied casually.

Draco nodded and continued eating his breakfast.

Unfortunately for Harry, his behavior didn't go unnoticed. Little did he know that James and Lily has been casting him worry filled looks throughout the whole week.

Neither of them thinking that they had a good enough relationship to straightforwardly ask him what was wrong.

But they decided it was time to ask him before anything got worse.

They planned to catch him after his last class, which happened to be charms.


"Brilliant work everyone I'm glad to see you all improving, have a good afternoon! Don't forget your homework, I know we only have one more class until holidays but it is still important!" Lilly told everyone as they left.

" Harry could you wait please?" Lily asked.

"Sure is there a problem?" Replied harry as he walked over to her.

"I was just wondering if you're okay? Recently you've been looking down so James and I thought we should ask, considering the rumors and all." She said softly.

"Oh yeah I am fine just working on altering a spell, so just concentrated that's all." Harry replied.

"Oh well that's good then what spell?" Lilly thought aloud.

"It's a surprise, but for now I have to go, bye!" Harry said as he ran out of the class.

"I have a bad feeling." Lilly muttered to herself as she watched her son leave.


Harry ran out of the class and all the way up to the abandoned girls' bathroom, ready to have his plan spring into action. 

"Hey Myrtle!" Harry greeted at the door.

"Harry!" Myrtle yelled, "Yay you finally came back did you find who threw the book at me?" 

"No sorry there was no clue but don't worry next time it happens I will get them for sure." Harry said confidently which Myrtle smiled at.

"Thanks Harry you are a great friend!" Myrtle boasted to which Harry smiled genuinely at.

"Anyway sorry to cut this short but I have to get somewhere." Harry said sadly.

"Oh where?" Myrtle asked.

"Down there." Harry pointed to the sink.

Myrtle's face paled if that was even possible, "No Harry you will get hurt!" She frantically said.

"Don't worry Myrtle I have a plan." Harry smiled which instantly set her worries aside.

"Okay Harry, good luck."

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