Chapter eight: Weekends, God fathers and the strange man...

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The rest of the year went fairly normally. Well as normal as it can be. The classes I had I excelled in mainly because I already knew the content. I read more, and more, and more. My scars, thanks to Draco and Snape, had become more faint. So far my parents haven't tried to force me into a friendship since that day, which I am very thankful for. It was the last week when everything changed. 

I was sitting at the Slytherin table eating breakfast with Draco, Blaise and Anthony. The three of us have gotten really close, not as close as Draco and I but they are still amazing friends. The owls came in and an unfamiliar owl dropped a letter beside my plate. I looked at the name and it was addressed from Sirius and Remus. That name ringed a bell. Before I could think on what it was a calm "ahem." came from behind me. I turned around to see Lilly and James. 

"Harry we have given you some space and now we are wondering if you could spend a weekend or a day with us?" She asked.

 I pondered over this and replied "I don't think that would be wise, I am pretty sure arguing isn't good for your health." 

I started to turn but Lilly said, "Yes, but what if we promised we wouldn't argue." 

I thought again, I mean what is the harm, the worst that happens is we argue and I leave. Hmm, if we do maybe I can use that as a way to get out of the next time they ask. I could already imagine it. 'No Lilly I don't think that would be a good idea, I mean with what happened last time.' I smirked knowing how good that would be.

"Okay fine, if everyone promises not to argue especially Evan he is a real headache sometimes." Lilly and James smiled and nodded, 

"Okay after school come for dinner in our rooms, the painting is  the gargoyle near the prefects bathroom." James added with a huge smile. I nodded and turned around. Once they had left Draco asked me "

Wait why did you do that I thought you wanted nothing to do with them?" I nodded and finished my mouthful before speaking, 

"Yes but think about it if this goes badly then the next time they ask I will have a legitimate reason not to, oh i am sorry Lilly but do you think that is wise after what happened last time?" 

Draco snorted "Oh I see now." I picked up my letter and put it into my bag before getting up and heading to the dungeons with Draco, Anthony and Blaise for potions. Once when got inside Draco and I took our normal seats at the back whilst Blaise and Anthony sat in front of us. We were 5 minutes early so no one else was in the room, Snape walked in at that point. 

"Hey Sev," Draco said to him. 

Snape sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Draco I do wish you refrained from calling me Sev my name is Severus and Profssor Snape nothing else." He drawled. 

"Yes but your my godfather so I can call you Sev." Draco smirked knowing how much it annoyed the man. Snape sighed and then adressed me, 

"Mr Potter did you get a letter this morning."

I looked at him weirdly before saying, "Yes other than my one from Mom and Dud I did, from uh...Sirius and Remus?" I answered. 

He smiled and replied, "Yes they are your God parents and thought it was time they reached out to you." I nodded in understanding and made a mental note to read it later. The rest of the year came pilling in and we started on our potions for the day. 


By the time the day was over I was rather exhausted and didn't want to go to Lilly and James' rooms. Nether the less I sat on my bed and pulled out the letter. It read:

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