Chapter Forty-One: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part One

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The weekend that passed had been one of the best that the group had had in a while. No death threats, no family dramas and more importantly each other.

However, the world keeps going no matter how good or bad a situation, life moves on.

Which is why even though none of them wanted to continue into darker days they all still found themselves feeling half-dead sitting at the Great hall's Slytherin table.

Hermione had decided to start sitting with them seeing as she was dating Pansy and liked all of their company. 

Almost everyone continued as normal and didn't particularly care but as always you can't please everyone.

However, Harry made it his personal mission to shoot down any lingering eyes and make it clear to everyone that she was apart of their group and to question or torment her at their own peril.

And of course, seeing this message in Harry's eyes everyone listened and stuck their heads down. 

"So guys what classes do we have today?" Blaise asked exhaustly.

"Dude for real? How long into the year are we?" Draco teased.

"Shut up and tell me." Blaise grumbled.

"It's double transfiguration then you have charms." Theo said smiling.

"Thanks babe." Blaise shot a grateful smile at him which made him blush slightly. 

"Does anyone ever check the bulletin?" Harry asked confused.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Draco?" Harry asked disbelievingly.

"No, you check it so I just figure you would tell me if there was something important on there." Draco shrugged.

"Well," Harry said rolling his eyes, "The competing schools for the Tri-Wizard Tournament are arriving today so that means no school classes and today we are supposed to do 'ice breakers'" Harry finished.

"Ohhhh thanks!" Draco smiled happily at his mate and ignored the eye roll making everyone else laugh.

"Honestly people I am like your alarm clock." Harry replied.

"Sorry Harry," Hermione said quietly looking at the table.

Harry instantly stepped into action, "Not you Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, "It's these nitwits I babysit" He told her smiling.

She giggled a little before nodding her head.

"Okay so what time then?" Pansy asked.

"It's after breakfast they should be here." Harry replied eating his toast.

----------------After breakfast--------------------

Soon after everyone had finished eating Headmistress McGonagall stood up and waved her wand: all of the dishes vanished and she began to speak, "I thank everyone that checked the bulletins in the dorms and have stayed, the other schools were meant to arrive sooner but there were some delays so they will be arriving any moment and they will both come in one by one. After that, we will all be splitting into four groups, Professor Snape will be sending you all off to separate corners so don't bother trying to go with your friends. Once in your four groups, a different teacher will take the lesson which will be a series of an ice breaker and trust exercises to get to know each other better."She finished.

Just then an owl flew In and dropped a letter to her and flew off. 

She looked in it and then flung open the door and yelled, "Welcome Durmstang Institute!" 

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