Chapter thirteen: Parties and sleep overs

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It had been a few weeks since the visit to see my Godparents and I occasionally go and see them for the afternoon. Mom even trusts them enough to let me go on my own which is surprising seeing as she gets very protective. Lilly, James and Evan visited for an hour or so and it was quite a scene. They were all on their best behavior whilst Mom was on edge. Resulting in everyone being quite jumpy causing some epic pranks.

Mom and Dudley are getting me ready for the Malfoy's Holiday party. 

A few days ago I got an invitation along with a letter from Draco and his family explaining why they couldn't invite Mom and Dudley - other family 'pure-blood' standards. 

It's stupid but they can't get out of those peoples good graces or they could loose a lot of investments. I understand I guess, so I settled for going and staying the night at Draco's. 

"Hunny come on you look fine you have to come down or they will get here and you won't be ready." Mom yelled from down the stairs. 

"I'm coming!" I yelled just as the door bell rung. 

I came running down the stairs and saw the Malfoy's all standing in the door way talking to Mom. 

"Sorry I'm here." I said rushing over to Mom. 

"Nonsense  we just got here and you look lovely Harry." Narcissa said to me once I was still. 

"Nacissa is right Harry and I am once again sorry that we couldn't invite you both," Lucius said looking at Dudley and Mom, 

"When the war is over and the world is once again calm we will have a party to rejoice and there will no longer be any pure blood prejudiced and I can assure you that you will be the first on the list." Mom smiled and replied, 

"I think I will hold you that but for now," She turned to me and started trying to smooth down my hair which I was desperately trying to swat her away from doing which caused laughter to bubble up form everyone, 

"What did you do to your hair? Anyway never mind as I was saying for now you have fun and be good and do not under any circumstances cause trouble okay?"

"Yes Mom." 


"I promise." 

"Good then have fun." 

I nodded and headed over to the door purposefully showing Mom the crossed fingers behind my back. Dudley burst into laughter upon seeing them and Mom lost all the air in her lungs, 

"Harry James Evans!" She said astonished. 

I laughed and jumped the rest of the distance to the Malfoy's. I waved a final goodbye to Mom and Dudley before turning to look at a confused Malfoy family. 

Draco voiced the question they all wanted answered. "How come she said Harry James Evans?"

I looked at him confused before answering slowly "That is my name." 

I looked to everyone who still looked confused. "I thought your name was Harry James Potter." Narcissa asked politely. 

"Ohhhh My name is Harry James Potter but in the eyes of Mom I am her child not Lilly's and Lilly and Mom's maiden name is Evans hence why Evan was called Evan I just don't use that name in public because A my 'official' name is Potter and people would get confused with Evan and think of it weird." 

"Ohhhh that makes sense." Chuckled Draco whilst the other two just nodded. 

I smiled and Lucius said "Well we best be going the guests will be arriving soon Harry grab my arm and Draco grab Narcissa's." 

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