Chapter Forty: The Sleepover Part Two

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A/N Based on the youtube clip above, check them out their videos are awesome!

Most would you rather questions I got from various quizzes but some I came up with!

A series of yeps sounded around the group and Harry owned his new recently installed app. The first game: Never have I ever.

"Okay guys this one was actually made by a witch so the questions are altered depending on what year you say you are at Hogwarts so I assume its more about your year as well as in general?" Harry stated but the last part sounded more like a question.

"Okay I think I have heard of this." Hermione agreed.

"Okay so let's start with an easy one then, Never have I ever kissed a person of the same sex." Harry said with a chuckle.

Everyone one obviously raised their hands very proudly before all bursting into laughter and looking at their partners.

"Okay maybe that one was too easy next!" Theo demanded still chuckling. 

"Okay okay, Never have I ever borrowed Harry's firebolt when he wasn't looking...That's specific..." Harry trailed off looking up at his friends who all except Hermione who didn't like flying had their hands raised.

Harry was speechless, "Wha guys why??" Harry asked confusion etched into his features, "When?" 

"We just wanted to try it." They all admitted in unison.

"When?" Harry asked.

"When you first got it you got annoyed at us teasing you and stormed out of the common room saying that you were going to the library, and well at the time we didn't want to go into your room..." Blaise trailed off and Draco continued.

"So they got me to and we all went out flying for an hour or so." Draco admitted.

"Wow this game is bringing the worst out huh." Harry chuckled.

"Yep uhh next question?" Pansy asked wanting a new topic.

"Okay," Harry laughed, "Never have I ever been caught in the act?" Harry asked.

"Theatre?" Draco asked confused which made the rest of the group burst out laughing.

"No babe it means basically what we caught Theo and Blaise doing outside the portrait or what Hermione and Pansy doing in the cupboard." Harry teased.

"NO NO NO we are NOT going back there next question." Theo and Pansy exclaimed, not wanting to embarrass themselves further in one day.

Harry and Draco burst out laughing and Blaise looked cocky before saying, "Keep laughing Potter, or should I bring up the abandoned classroom incident."

Harry stopped laughing at once and quickly said, "Okay yep next question!"

"No wait teaa??" Pansy whined wanting to be in on the joke.

"Never have I ever accidentally said hello to a random cat thinking that they were McGonagall." Harry rushed out desperate to continue.

Everyone's hand shot up instantly and they all laughed, "You can never be too careful one time Hannah didn't say hello to a cat a then it turned out to be McGonagall and she gave her detention for not being courteous to all and she started crying." Hermione defended.

"It's true tho you've just gotta do it!" Blaise agreed.

Everyone laughed about the ridiculous rules that Hogwarts had sometimes.

"Never have I ever lied to a teacher or a parent?" Harry asked.

All hands instantly went up and Draco complained, "This is Hogwarts come on Har where are the hard ones??" 

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