Chapter Fifty-Three: The Annoying Beetle

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The next week was passing by quickly and Harry was more than happy that he didn't have to go through another task this weekend.

Unfortunately, though, Harry did have to think about how he was going to ask Draco to the Yule ball this weekend.

The Yule Ball, Harry was... Just slightly... Freaking out.

All of the Head of Houses were instructed to teach their students how to dance, and in typical Snape fashion, he would rather be seen dead than dance in front of all the Slytherins. 

So he decided to get the best dancer in Slytherin to teach everyone. 

Unfortunately for Harry that happened to be Draco. 

Draco had been trained for ballroom dancing since he could walk.

Harry on the other hand had gone to one lesson as a child per request or Petunia, hated it, and never gone again. So it was safe to say Harry was more than nervous.

Throughout the week Harry had seen many over the top and dramatic ways of asking someone to go to the Yule ball with them. 

Including when Evan had made a giant heart balloon that floated over to Susan Bones raining down petals and candy before asking her to the Yule Ball.

Or when Victor wrote in fireworks "Will you go to the ball with me Arthur?" whilst catching a heart-shaped snitch and giving it to him.

To Harry that had seemed so tacky but Draco always smiled and commented, "So romantic!"

So Harry was feeling the pressure, he needed this to be amazing and perfect for Draco.

Harry was currently heading down the halls of Hogwarts, in the direction of the gardens, trying desperately to get any inspiration.

However, as he rounded the corner he found himself being pulled into a musty old broom closet.

"What the hell!" Harry exclaimed as he picked himself off the floor.

"Sorry lovely I just needed a place more secures," The annoying voice of Rita Skeeter called out on the opposite side of the closet.

"Ugh not you again, I have already told you I don't want an interview!" Harry exclaimed trying the door which seemed to be locked from the outside.

"So fame shy I see?" She questioned.

"What? No? Yes? I mean I just don't want to talk to you," Harry grumbled as she put words in his mouth.

"Perfect, So who is the lucky girl you are taking to the Yule Ball young man?" She asked, as her quill flicked mischievously to the side.

Harry couldn't hold in the laughs that escaped.

Her face scrunched in confusion as she asked, "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing," Harry replied still chuckling as he once again started to try and open the door.

A realization seemed to dawn on her face as her eyes widened with mischief, "Ah so playing for the other team huh? So who is the mysterious man?" 

Harry just shook her head in annoyance for her questions, Harry would eat his own arm before he would allow Draco to be hounded by this horrible woman.

"Not saying huh, that leaves me the question of in or out of the closet? Huh, I wonder what your family thinks?" Skeeter trails off.

Harry turned towards her, "Really Skeeter? Turning to blackmail to get your information, well my family loves me just the same because who I love doesn't change me, I am openly gay and if you ever try and blackmail someone who isn't out of the closet for information then you will have me to deal with, and that is a promise," 

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