Chapter twenty- two: Inheritance...

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Harry stumbled to the ground. Confused as to what he just did and what had happened to him he looked around, trying to get a better bearing of where he was. In the distance he saw the familiar castle - Hogwarts - are about 50m in front of him was the whomping willow. He stumbled closer to the tree, knowing (thanks to Sirius and Remus) that there was a secret room below it's roots. 

He crawled over closer, his entire body hurting but he knew he had to get there.

He could feel it in his bones that there was a storm coming, both metaphorically and literally.

With that in mind, he cast a notice me not spell and quietly crawled through the entrance. Falling with a bang on the ground. He rose slightly only to have his body scream in protest. But he knew he wasn't safe. He crawled for what felt like an eternity until he found some steps. He made his way up hissing in pain each on until he was inside. He made it to the couch before promptly screaming. Much to Harry's dismay instead of the pain lessening the pain got more intense. Getting worse and worse every second he stayed awake, the darkness threatening to take Harry into unconsciousness. 

Freaking out Harry fumbled around, desperate to find some solution to his problem. Luckily for Harry, he felt cold metal against his chest. Excitedly he grabbed at his familiar owl necklace and said a rushed "Mom!" 

 ----------At Malfoy Mannor--------------

"Sirius! Remus! You came thank Gosh help us!" Petunia yelled as she saw the two men emerge from the floo.

"Of course we came is he okay?" Sirius and Remus asked.

"We don't know where he is, he apparated away and we can't find him." Dudley said panicking. 

"Calm down we are looking now." Lucius said trying to calm the boy.

"Calm down! We don't know where Har i-" Dudley was cut off by a faint "Mom!" 

Everyone gasped and Petunia pulled out a small phone and said "Harry where are you? Are you okay?!" 

"I-I don't know I am at the place that Sirius and Remus told me about- Mom what's happening to me, it hurts..." Came the faint reply. 

"Hang on Harry we are coming!" Petunia yelled and her and Dudley latched onto Sirius and Remus and they all aparated away.

Sirius and Remus lead the way as they were the only ones who really knew where they were going. 

Snape immobilized the tree and they all crawled down the hole and once they reached the door everyone poured into the room with great haste. 

Only to be met with a whimpering Harry lying on a couch. 

Harry's eyes tiredly drifted to the adults and he let out a shaky, "Help me..." Before he let out a blood curdling scream. 

Dudley was the first to react as the adults were all frozen in place, Dudley ran to Harry and instantly located where the pain was coming from. His back. Dudley helped Harry onto his front as to relieve some pressure from the back. 

Harry stopped screaming but was still panting heavily as he whispered "What's the diagnosis Doc?"  

Dudley let out a shaky laugh and whispered, "You'll live, you have to." 

The next scream seemed to break the adults out of their trances, they all ran up to Harry and Snape started swishing his wand around muttering spells before he muttered something about being stuck?

He then swished his wand and created a deep vertical cut in Harry's back, this caused Petunia to gasp and glare harshly and Dudley to turn around a punch his straight in the arm. Snape reeled at this reaction and was about to say something when a scream from Harry broke them up. 

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