Chapter Forty-Four: The Shadowland

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It had now been two days since Harry had fallen into a coma. The Malfoys, Potters and Evans families all stood around Harry's bed discussing what to do next.

"He hasn't even moved yet and you still don't know what is wrong?" Dudley asked sadly."Yes, I am sorry but that is the truth, all we can do is hope that he comes out of it." Snape responded, emotions flowing from his words.

"Are you sure there is nothing we can do?" Petunia asked.

"No, nothing, it is to do with his inheritance I think," Snape replied.

"Okay then let us give him some space, we can all go to the manor until we hear anything new," Narcissa suggested.

Everyone started to walk out of the room, all but Draco.

"Draco, come, there is nothing we can do love," Narcissa spoke softly at his obviously hurting son.

He looked terrible, his under eyes were black from an obvious lack of sleep. He was looking skinnier than normal and was refusing food aside from the bare minimum which Snape had t threaten him to not be allowed next to Harry to get him to eat. His eyes trained to Harry's face, hardly blinking.

"No." Was Draco's reply, his voice sounding harsh and scratchy.

"Please, you need to rest." Lucius pleaded.

"No. He needs me here." Draco replied, never looking up.

"There is nothing you can do," James stated.

"You're wrong," Draco growled. "I'm not leaving him."

Narcissa sighed, "Okay but please eat."

Draco nodded his head slightly to show her that he understood.

They all walked in solemn silence to the apparition point.

Before apparating to the Manor, Dudley and Petunia took by Narcissa and Lucius.

"Sorry about them, they just don't know what to do," Draco whispered to Harry once they left.

"I'm not leaving you don't worry, I will always be there for you, just...Please come back to me?" Draco whispered, his voice cracking from the pain. He grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard. "Just come back..."

----------Meanwhile in Harry's subconcious.----------------

Everything was black.

It was suffocating.

"Just come back to me..." Draco's voice echoed around him.

"I'm trying!" Harry yelled back.

"I'm trying," Harry whispered as he fell to the ground.

Two days he had been trying to get out.

Running for hours on end, the black was never-ending.

He was exhausted and mentally strained, he just needed Draco.

Even his mind was playing tricks on him now, footsteps and whispers echoed around him.

"He's a weak one this one." A male voice whispered.

"Yes perfect for the picking." A woman agreed.

"How much longer do you think it will take him to crack." Another voice joined in.

"Not long now." They all chanted around him.

"Shut Up!" Harry yelled.

The voices cackled.

They were vultures waiting for a feast.

Harry was getting fed up with these pests.

His anger wasn't in check and it was snapping to escape.

He let out a bone-shaking growl and his fangs and wings erupted and like an incoming avalanche, they scampered.

"Demon!" One yelled.

"It's a descendant!" Another one screamed out in warning.

"A descendant?" Harry whispered.

------------ Meanwhile at the hospital-------------------

Draco was sitting there, just watching Harry a sad smile on his face.

That was until Harry body started to violently shake.

"Madame Pomfrey! Get Snape!" Draco yelled out.

The medi-witch took one look out of her office and instantly sent a Patronus.

A few minutes later Snape and everyone else came rushing through the doors and over to a still violently shaking Harry.

"What happened?" Snape asked whilst diagnostic spells on him.

"I don't know he just started shaking," Draco replied frantically.

"Quick get him on his side!" Dudley yelled moving forwards to roll Harry over.

After a few seconds of being on his side, Harry growled and his fangs and wings burst into view.

"Oh my..." Madame Pomfrey whispered before silently leaving and closing up the hospital wing.

"What happened?" Draco asked as he rubbed Harry's back where his wings just came out of.

"I don't know the diagnostic spells still came up clear so he must have encountered something that enraged him in his subconscious," Snape stated.

-------------Back to Harry :)----------------

"Harry is that you?" A familiar voice called out.

"Bris!" Harry yelled, rushing to the direction of the voice.

In his rush to get to it, he tripped, but instead of the cold hard floor, he felt it was two arms catching him.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" Bris asked.

"I don't know even know where here is?!"

"The land of the dead, or the shadowland. How did you get here?" Bris asked.

"I don't know I felt really light headed and funny so I went back to my room but I barely made it out of the Great Hall before I doubled over in pain," Harry explained.

"Oh, I see, you must have been in danger." Bris mumbled, "You see, the shadowland is a place where demons go when they have been banished. That is its main purpose. However, it is was made originally as a sanctuary for the master of death. If a master of death transports to here no harm can come to their body in the living world." Bris explained.

"If it is a sanctuary why is it pitch black?" Harry asked annoyed.

"Well, this world is what you make it Harry, however you have to control it, the same way that you made those demons scamper away, take control of it and wield it to your power," Bris instructed.

Harry closed his eyes and imagined a nice garden, lit by the moonlight with a park bench and flowers all around.

When he opened his eyes he was greeted by that same image.

"Nice Harry, now come to sit we need to talk about why you are here." Bris complimented.

The two of them walked over to the park bench and took a seat.

"What has been happening in the living world since I left, you must have been in some danger," Bris asked.

"Well not that I know of, there is the TriWizard Tournament at the moment at school but I am not planning on entering I don't want to," Harry answered confused.

"Okay well then someone must be planning your demise, another part of your inheritance is yo are more sensitive to wavelengths around you, if someone is planning to kill you in some way your inheritance picks up on it, if you are n aware it tries to take control and keep you safe. That is why you ended up here if you ever feel the pain like before it means that someone is trying to kill you. However you can control coming here and transport others, their bodies will also be safe if you take them here. All you need to do is imagine a certain place you have created here, like this park. Imagine it then imagine you and whoever you want to bring here. Then you will both be here but make sure your bodies are hidden otherwise you are in a coma to anyone observing." Bris explained.

"Not that I am not enjoying talking to you but how do I get back?" Harry asked.

"Same way as you can get here, imagine yourself in your body in the living world. And Harry, do be careful you were not taken here on a small matter someone is planning to kill you." Bris warned.

"Okay, thank you Bris, It was good to talk to you again." Harry said with a smile.

"Farewell Harry." Bris said before getting p and walking away.

Harry then closed his eyes and imagined his likely position. In the hospital wing, Draco sitting by his side. Hand in hand.

He opened his eyes and looked up, not only Draco was there but all his family.

"Hey guys," Harry said his voice croaky from not speaking for so long.

"Harry!" Draco exclaimed before lunging at his boyfriend.

"Good to see you too..." Harry replied into the crook of his neck.

A/N Hey guys, sorry for the delay in updating but I hope everyone is doing well and is staying safe with the current pandemic. I am officially in lockdown so that's fun :) but anyway, stay safe and have a good day/night! 

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